9. Welcome To My World

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Archer - Bold
Jayden - Bold Underline
Drew - Italic Underline

Archer - BoldJayden - Bold UnderlineDrew - Italic Underline

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I can't stop thinking about the last conversation I had with her. I just want her to reach out and let me know what is going on. I had never meant for her to get upset, I was just messing with her. I don't even know why it bugs me so bad. I mean, I am Archer fucking Valdez. I don't feel bad for making people feel some type of way. Yet, here I am calling and texting her every damn day. She read me to a tee the second time we spoke. I have everything I could ever want. I am popular, all the girls want to get with me and all the guys want to be me. I am simply untouchable. She messed with my head. When I talk to her I don't have to be Archer the Football Captain, Archer the jock, Archer the bully, Archer the it guy. No, I became what I always was without the facade that comes with popularity. Always living up to this expectation of who I am supposed to be. To be honest I hate it. In a week of talking to her I realized how sad my life actually is. How fake it is. And she won't even call me back. So here I am sitting around all my friends at lunch not even paying attention to anything around me. I am pulled out of my pathetic excuse of a thought when my best friend Jayden hits my shoulder.


"Dude you good? You haven't been acting yourself all week."

Yeah because I am not myself anymore is what I want to say.

"Nah man I'm good. Just tired."

"Well I was just telling the guys that Drew's brother found a hook up for some weed. He said it's a friend of his brother from college and he is in town right now and can get the hook up. His name is Jake."

"Oh that's cool man."

"I'm thinking of texting him to see if we can pick up after school. Do you want to come with me?"

"Yeah, sure. I'll meet you in the parking lot after school."

I am not really in the mood for this shit and I definitely don't want to smoke. I got up to throw out my uneaten lunch. I wasn't even hungry. I came back to Drew telling a story to Jayden.

"...yeah she is a fucking loner. Too bad too because she ain't that bad looking. If she'd stop wearing those shitty clothes. I'd hit that in a heartbeat. Who knows what she's hiding under there."

"You horny bastard. Dude you'd fuck anything with a pulse."

"What are you guys talking about?"

"Hailey Dawson. I bumped into her on the way here. She was with that smart nerdy girl Katie. I was walking with Diane when I ran into her. She is like a mouse so damn quiet I didn't even hear her. Anyways, Diane thought it would be funny to humiliate her so I just went with it. Diane ended up spilling the rest of her milkshake on her. I knew she wanted to cry. She just stood there staring at us. I told her the pink milkshake was a good look for her. As we were leaving to come in here that Katie girl called us assholes. Us assholes? Ha!"

"That's pretty fucked up dude. What has she done to you? She is quiet and keeps to herself. Not to mention she is hell of a lot smarter than you. Look she is even still standing there. Damn Diane got her good."

I look out to see her and her friend standing outside the cafeteria doors. She looks like she is crying. Sucks to be at the bottom of the food chain. Then I notice something Drew isn't wrong, she has the potential to be pretty, hot even. Her friend finally got her to walk towards the bathrooms.

"Drew, you are an asshole. You are the biggest dick I know."

"The biggest dick with a big dick. Diane loves it." *brow wiggle*

"TMI. I don't need to know about your dick or Diane."

"You are just jealous 'cause you don't have a girlfriend."

"Right. I'm jealous of you. You're a self righteous ass. I wouldn't want Diane anyway who knows what you can catch from her. Disease ridden plastic fake bitch. Gross."

"Don't talk about her like that. She was just trying to find love. It took her a few tries but now we found each other."

"A few tries? She has practically fucked every guy wanting to get their dick wet because who says no when the girl opens her legs after the first two seconds of meeting you. Apart from me and Jayden we are your only friends who haven't fucked her."

"Screw you guys. I'm going to go find Diane."

"Whatever, bro."

"So, Disease ridden plastic fake bitch? I mean she's a terrible person but shit Jay tell me how you really feel about her."

"She's a bitch. They shouldn't be messing with that girl. She may be a quiet, loner, nerd or whatever. At the end of the day she is really sweet."

"They are meant for each other. They are both fucked up. I've never talked to her before. I'm sure she's a sweet girl."

After school we ended up meeting with Jake. He is a cool dude, but something about him looked and felt familiar. I just couldn't put my finger on it. I had finally got home and was contemplating if I should try to call her again. I know I should give her space and wait for her to call me. I just feel like I'd be waiting forever. My phone started to vibrate. I looked at the caller ID and smiled.



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