2. Stranger Danger

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Girl - Italics
Boy - Bold
Other - Plain

Girl - ItalicsBoy - BoldOther - Plain

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"Well you sound mighty chipper today."

"Oh it's you."

"Ouch babe. You wound me."

"Don't EVER call me babe again. Gross."

"Why not? I know you like it."

"And what in god's name would make you think that?"

"Because I'm hot. Not to sound like a narcissist but I'm pretty damn gorgeous."

"I can hear you smirking. It makes me sick. There would be no way for me to know this information. I can't see you. We are talking on a phone dumbass. Plus for all I know you could be a 50 year old pervert."

"I know that you can't see me smartass. I'm not dumb. But I can assure you that I am not a 50 year old pervert."

"That's exactly what a pervert would say. Anyways, why did you call again?"

"I thought you would never ask. I wanted to continue our conversation."

"Oh you mean the one where you interrupted my precious sleep?"

"Can you just let that go? It was an accident. A happy accident if I do say so myself."

"Yeah, no. Are you always so full of yourself? Let me guess... since you claim not to be a 50 year old pervert, Last night you said you're not that old. My guess is you are still in high school. Judging by your cockiness, you are probably popular and play a sport. Does that sound about right?"

"You really know how to hurt a guy's ego. You know that? I am more than just that. I just let people see what I want them to see."

"So...that is a yes then. HA! See I knew it."

"Yeah, yeah okay princess. You won that round."

"Again with another pet name. I have a name. It's not babe, baby or princess. So tell me, jock... Why hide? Why let people see what you want? Instead of just being you?"

"Oh getting deep aren't you princess. That's a story for another time. For the record, I would call you by your name if you told me what it was."

"Well...damn just when I thought I was going to get juicy information you go and let me down. For the record you haven't told me your name either, jock."

"Sweetheart dinner is almost ready. Come downstairs."

"Umm.. sorry stranger danger but I have to go."

"Oh, umm..yeah sure. Have a good night.

"Thanks, you too. Bye."


~~*Dial Tone*~~

"At least she didn't hang up on me this time."


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