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"The lingering question kept me up
Two a.m., who do you love?
I wonder till I'm wide awake
Now I'm pacing back and forth, wishing you were at my door"


Like Jaemin, Renjun is obviously feeling guilty of the he did to Jaemin before. He feel so bad that he lost appetite to eat.

Couldn't bear with the guiltiness, he tried called Sicheng. In case the older is still awake at 1 in the morning. But sadly, the older didn't pick up the call making Renjun left to calling Donghyuck.

Donghyuck: Bold

Renjun: Normal

"Hey, Wadup?"

"Hi Hyuck, I'm um-" paused, conflicting to talk.

"What's wrong? I'm all ears. You can tell me."

"I uh- I kinda- Hurt Jaemin this evening. Like uh-"

"Like what honey? Look, if you are not gonna tell me the truth, which I know you'll lie just to cover your silly dumb ass, stop calling me. cause it 1 in the morning."

"Okay okay. Wait. I accidently saying something hurtful, which I doubt it that bad but Sicheng ge said it bad after Jaemin kiss me. or more like, it a peck on my lips."



"I said, he kissed me and I said that we're still not a thing. And his lips was dry."

"I SWEAR HUANG RENJUN, YOU'RE SO DEAD! How could you say that to him. Your one of potential boyfriend slash soon husband."

"Woah, let's not jump to there. But yeah it did happened."

"iT dID HaPpeNed, my ass. Why can't you just hold your horses and shut your crappy my mouth you dumbfuck."

"I can't help it. It happened so soon like, he suddenly kissed me. and I'm honestly panicked. I'm almost shit in my pants."

"Eww, that's disgusting."

"That's not the point Hyuck. Hah, what am I supposed to do?"

"Apologize you asshole. Is this what I'm supposed to teach you? The basic things?"

"Technically, I did want to apologize. But-"

"But what?"


"I am honey, still listening."

"Okay here it is ass, I kinda- you know-"

"I don't know. Tell me."

"Stop cutting me off."

"Okay okay, sorry."

"After all these months. It's a lie if I said I'm not falling for them. I know I'm such an ass head for keep my distance with them. Having this huge wall between us."

"Good that you know it."

"Jaehyun hyung, kinda like telling me. Like, holding myself back isn't making me go anywhere. I'll hurt more." Paused, trying to regain his energy to talk. "Hyuck, is it true? If I keep pushing them off me, will I continue to get hurt? Well, I'm just protecting myself. From, getting hurt again obviously."

"Renjun. I know it's scared you. And I know what you fear the most is future. But trust. Looking at them right now. And you. The risk is so much more worth to take it. It scary, I know that. But put those worry behind. Enjoy this moment. Enjoy the present. Build it up slowly. Our future is uncertain, heck yes. But Jun, you forgot something. Those future, the future that you are so afraid of, will never can be happy if you aren't collecting the pieces you've been missing in the present. Think more of the present. Build it stronger, tighter and firmer. And future? That something that the 3 of you should think about together. More realistically. Not dreamily, you flat ass."

"Wow, Hyuck. I didn't know you can make a whole speech for tonight. And plus, I'm not flat. I'm plump."

"That's not the point. The point is. Just go ahead. Do what your heart tell you. Sometimes, it won't hurt to follow your heart."

"I guess so. So what should I do?"

"Apologize. And propose to them I guess?"

"Isn't that too fast?"

"Not proposing to get married, you idiot! To be your boyfriends." Face palm.


"Yes, Oh. Now get off from the phone. Get some sleep please. Think about the plan later."

"Yes mom. Good night."

"Night Hoe."


The call cut off. Renjun sighed. He lay down to his bed and keep thinking over what Jaehyun and Donghyuck said.

Maybe, he is ready to accept them back. Maybe, it'll not hurt to fall for them. Just maybe, he'll be far more happier than before. And yes, maybe he will want to continue and keep living his life.

He grab his phone back from his bed table (sorry Idk what it's called), he search for their group chat room.


Hi, sorry to bother. But can we meet tomorrow

For dinner?

He close his phone and wait for the respond. Which probably he won't get tonight, because it really late.

But little did he know, that a respond is only in the blink of an eye. So fast.

Zzeno Lee:

Of course

I would love to

I'll book a place


No don't

I'm the one who make the plan

So I'll get everything set up.

Nana Min:

Oh Honey, you don't have to

That's so sweet of you.



I just wanna talk

About us

Zzeno Lee:

Yeah sure


Nana Min:

Okay hun

We'll see you at the place you'll book



Good night guys

Zzeno Lee:

Nightie night Junie

Nana Min:

Good night love

Sweet dream

'Cool, everything's gonna be fine. this shit getting escalate too fast, but it's fine. i'm dong great.'

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