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So guys,if y'all have a Facebook I have a Dan and Phil page,you guys should go like it. It's called "Just Another Army Of Phangirls And Phanboys" This might be short,idk tbh but yeah <3

Dan's POV

We and Phil have been together a little over a year now,and I don't regret any of it,I wouldn't change a thing,except for Phil's last name.

I'd been thinking about marriage and such for awhile now,I was sure how everything would be,but I'd make sure it'd work out. If I had Phil,we could get through anything.

I'd though about marriage so much lately I had a whole plan of what to do already. I had just got the ring last week,but I still wasn't sure if I should do it yet.

The sound of the name 'Phil Howell' just brought joy to me. I was gonna do it,and I was gonna do it today,I just had to make sure everything went as planned.

~Phil got home from going to the pharmacy. Phil always eats part of my cereal when he gets home because he thinks I don't notice. As usual I saw him walk in there and get out 'my' cereal.

I started to play our song, 'Happy Little Pill.' Phil looked alarmed,but he didn't do anything when it started. I heard the wrinkling of the bag ad he opened it,then a gasp as he called me in there.

I walked into the kitchen, "Yes?",I said smirking, " Uh Dan,there's a ring in your box of cereal.", "I know."

I got down on one knee and held Phil's hand in mine, "Phil Michael Lester, will you marry me?" Phil looked at me smiling as his eyes filled with tears in his eyes, "Of course."

I put the ring on his finger and stood up,I didn't even have time to balance myself before Phil pulled me into a long,strong hug. "I love you Dannykins.", " I love you to Phil Howell." , I said with a chuckle and smiled. I leaned back to look at him and pulled him into a kiss.

Even if we had people that didn't support us,that wasn't gonna stop us,we'd been to hell and back and we're stronger than ever. Nothing could ruin us being together,I loved him more than myself,that was sure.

Phil and I had problems just like every other couple,but we always made it through them,and I know we always will. Knowing that I'd have Phil for the rest of my life made me happier than anything else,I loved him,he was the only reason I was truly happy in the first place.

"Come on Phil,you can eat my cereal and watch me beat you at Halo.", I started to laugh, " Oh you're on!", he said and kissed my cheek.

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