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So I'll try and have two chapters out today,thanks for almost 100 reads ^_^ This chapter gets a little sensitive in a part,just a warning.

Phil's POV

I was walking next to Dan in silence,I knew I had to tell Dan eventually,vut I was truly scared,I hadn't been this scared in forever. I noticed we had quite a bit of sitance between us and I didn't like being away from him,even a few feet felt like miles. I hated that feeling so I grabbed his hand.

We found a bench and we sat down,I was still holding his hand, "So I'm gonna tell you some secrets,just promise you won't leave me." ,I started to shake and tear up, "I promise. Phil I would never leave you,nothing could ever split us apart,you're the only think that makes me truly happy,Phil I-I love you."

Dan said I love you first,I didn't think he would be the one to say it. It hit me so hard and I started to cry,hard. Dan pulled me into a tight hug, I didn't want him to let go,ever. I just wanted to be like that forever.

"I love you too Dan,forever and always,I've never loved anyone as much as you.", " Oh really,not even my mum?', he smiled,he always knew how to brighten up the mood,I started to giggle. Dan kissed my cheek and I got myself back together to tell him what I needed to tell him.

I wasn't sure which one of the two I should tell him first,I just went with what my heart said. "So Dan,its been about five years now, ever since I met you I've stopped,for you. I guess I didn't realize that til now. Anyways, it'd been going on for about six years. I used to get a pencil sharpener every month if you know what I mean." I stared at the ground not wanting to see his face,I thinking it would hurt him more than me.

Dan pulled my face up with his hands and kissed me hard,I could feel the tears strolling down his face,it made me feel so bad. We kissed for a long time and it started to rain. "Let's go home Phil,I'll make some hot chocolate and we can watch Netflix."

The walk home was awkward,I didn't know what to say to him after what just happened. We walked inside and we both got into some dry clothes. I sat on the couch and waited for Dan to come in,and when he did I just put my head into his lap.

"I love you Dan.", I said softly," I love you too sunshine." I stared at the tv for a few minutes and then looked up at Dan's face. I could tell he was trying to focus on the movie,but I could tell his mind had drifted somewhere else. I was gonna ask,but I thought it'd be better to leave it alone.

Before I knew it I could here the small snores of Dan sleeping which made me smile. I carried him to his room and laid him under the covers. I laid next to him and held him in my arms. I wasn't sure what Dan thought about my whole 'confession' yet but I'd ask tomorrow. Before I knew it,I was passed out just as much as Dan.

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