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I'm having 3 chapters out today :00 Sorry for anything I might put you guys through. I know it's mainly Dan's POV lately,I hope y'all don't mind. This chapter is really awkward omg

Dan's POV

I was watching Phil sleep,he looked terrible. He had clearly lost a lot of weight,he had tear stains all over his face,he was even paler and he had marks on his arms. I looked at them and kissed them one by one and put my head on his stomach realizing that this was all my fault.

~It'd been four hours and Phil still hadn't woken up,but I wasn't going anywhere,I wasn't gonna leave him alone ever again. I watched his face and just studied his face structure, it was so plain compared to the smile I used to see everyday,I'd do anything to see it right now.

A few more hours passed before I saw movement in Phil,just like that last time I felt him squeeze my hand, I pushed the button like last time and Lori came in. "What is it?', she asked, " He squeezed my hand!", I screamed, I didn't even regret it.

I watched as she checked his IVs and such when he opened his eyes,the first thing he did was look at me,he didn't smile or anything,he just,watched.

"Good to see you awake hun.", Lori said and he looked at her and gave a shy smile,but his face came right back to me, " I'll give you some time alone.", she smiled and left.

I walked back over and sat down on the bed next to Phil, "Hi.", I whispered,I didn't have the courage to look him in the eyes even though I felt him staring at me. I felt him pull my head down to his chest and he started to stroke my hair,I didn't realize how important these moments were until I didn't have them.

"Don't leave again,please.", he said softly,I could hear the exhaustion in his voice, "Never."  He pulled my chin up and looked me right in the eyes,his bright blue ones looked dull and grey,but they were still one of the most beautiful things in the world.

"I love you Danteaser.", "And I love you Philcake." He pulled me into a kiss,I started to run out of air,but I didn't care,this kiss meant the world to me,I needed it more than anything.

~After a few days Phil was allowed to go home. I opened up the door and walked inside and put on some music. Happy Little Pill started to play, "My happy little Phil,take your Dan away?", I smiled at him, " Of course."

Phil pulled me to him by the waist and I put my hands around his neck and we kissed. I looked at his eyes,they weren't back to their normal color yet,but they were getting there. We just danced together for a bit, "I think we should get showers,I smell like your mum.", I giggled, " Hey!", Phil slapped me and started laughing,I missed that laugh. "I'm sorry Phil,about everything.", " Don't apologize,you're here now and that's all that matters.", he smiled and kissed my cheek.

Everything was getting back to normal,it was all perfect. I wouldn't change anything about this moment. "I suppose we should.", Phil said winking at me, " I'm getting one,you can join me if you'd like.", he said, "Kinky.", we giggled and we went to the bathroom together.

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