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So hi,I don't know how long I'm gonna end up making this but I hope you guys like it,I know you'll like the ending I have planned :P I hope you guys don't think the chapters are to short,its just so I can keep up more. Now back to the story :)))

Phil's POV

I wasn't sure what was happening,all I know was I was walking home holding my Dan's hand,it felt so,right. I wasn't sure why he was holding my hand,but I didn't mind at all.

I had to let go of his hand to unlock the door to our apartment. It was now about four in the four in the afternoon so we decided to make lunch, "What do you want to eat Dan?", " Whatever you want.", he said cheerfully. I decided to just make some tacos.

We sat down and began eating, "So I've been thinking lately." Dan said, "So have I,but about what?" I asked, "I believe the same as you." Did he really know what I'd been thinking about lately?, that would explain why he grabbed my hand,he probably thought it was gonna be okay.

I put my plate in the sink and looked at him,he was sitting there doing that smile again,we'd been friends for five years now,I knew I always had a small feeling for him,but I though all best friends did,but its gotten bigger now and I was so glad he felt the same way,I think?

"Wanna play some Donkey Kong?",I asked, " Yeah,sure." We decided we would put it up on the gaming channel, it was fun. After the video was started to neaten up the gaming room,Dan grabbed my hand again,this time he looked me in the eyes with his chocolate brown ones.

I wasn't sure why but then he kissed me, "Phil,your my best friend,would you maybe wanna try for a little more?", he said blushing like a malteasers package, " I would like to try that very much.", I said. It was a relief to know Dan felt the same way finally,I never would have thought this ever the way he drooled over some girls,like Delia Smith, I laughed at him with Delia Smith. "What's ao funny Phil?", " I just thought about what it would be like if Delia Smith was your girlfriend. ", I replied. Dan started laughing until he couldn't breathe.

~Later that day~

" Wanna go out for dinner,my treat?", I asked Dan as he got out from the shower probably not planning to go anywhere else today,"But my hair isn't straightened, if you wait I-" I cut him off, "It's cute natural,get dressed,I'll meet you downstairs."

I decided I was gonna take Dan out to get some dinner so we could talk about 'Us', it felt weird to say think about having an 'us',but I liked it. I heard Dan coming down the stairs,he was wearing a red tie, "Finally wearing some color?", I giggled, " Well I have found my happiness,maybe I'll get even brighter soon.", he smiled and kissed my cheek.

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