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So we almost have 400 reads omg,thank sooooo sooo sooo much,even though sometimes you may wanna stab me I love you all,okay I'm gonna write now.

Dan's POV

I laid on the bed in my hotel room,it wasn't all that great,but it'd do,after all I didn't plan on being gone all that long. I was actually worried,Phil never answered any of my calls or my texts, but I wasn't gonna bother him constantly it would just hurt him more.

I was pretty sure he didn't notice,nether less care,but I took one of his hoodies in case I missed him,what was I saying, of course I missed him,more than anything,but this would help.

I didn't feel like doing anything at all but sit there and cry,Phil was more sensitive than me,I couldn't even imagine how he felt right now. I decided I would try and call him one last time today,just to say goodnight.

After three rings I thought he wasn't gonna pick up,but on the fourth ring I heard a raspy voice on the other line,"Hello.", he said. I could tell he'd been crying which made my heart ache, "Hey,its uh,Dan.", I said trying not to sound like I was gonna cry, " I know." ,he said quietly.

There was a long pause before either of us said anything, "I'm glad you're doing okay.", he said softly. I didn't know how yo answer that,I was gonna say it back,but I knew he wasn't doing okay at all. " Uh,you too.", I said softly,man was I stupid.

I could tell he was trying his hardest not to cry on the phone with me, "I just uh,wanted to say goodnight.", I said and he completely broke down,I closed my eyes, " I'll be back soon Phil,I pro-", I heard the click of him hanging up. I threw my phone across the room and broke down myself,this was taking a turn I didn't want it to take.

~It'd officially been four days since me and Phil have talked and every second was killing me,I hadn't eaten since I'd left,but I didn't even feel hungry. The entire time I was gone all I did was sleep,I didn't wanna do anything because I knew it'd make me think of Phil one day or another.

I hadn't showered in days and I was still in Phil's hoodie,it still smelled like him and I was grateful the smell hadn't worn off yet. I decided it was time to go home,I couldn't take it anymore,I just couldn't.

I packed my bags not that I'd used much of anything I'd brought and paid my bill. I was to tired to walk so I got a taxi. I arrived outside hoping for the best,but expecting the absolute worse.

I put my key into the lock and opened the door slowly and peeked in,the apartment looked like it hadn't been used in years. I sat my bags down on the floor by the door and closed the door quietly behind me. The first thing I was gonna do was see how Phil was of course.

I thought he'd be in my room,but he wasn't,and he wasn't in his room either. I figured he'd just went out because I didn't here any noise anywhere. I didn't think Phil would have the strength to wanna go anywhere,but it was good he did.

I texted his phone to see how he was and I heard his phone vibrate inside the bathroom,I didn't think he was here. I got up and walked to the door and knocked, "Phil,can I come in?", I asked,but I didn't get an answer. Sure enough the door was unlocked, I walked in and my heart sank as I fell to the floor.

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