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Dan's POV

Phil had a rough night last night so I decided I would make him breakfast in bed. What could be better than to wake up to some Delia Smith pancakes? I always seemed loud when I cooked so I was hoping I wouldn't make Phil up, but I went to flip a pancake when Phil grabbed me around the waist and put his head in my shoulder.

"You weren't supposed to wake up,I was making you breakfast in bed", I whined, " I'd much rather eat on the couch cuddling you." I smiled at him and I finished cooking. We sat on the couch together and Phil had his head in my shoulder,it was nice.

"You know Dan,we still haven't told anyone,I think its time to tell someone.", Phil said, " We'll tell our close friends and family later,than tonight we can make a video about it if you want?", I suggested,"Yeah,uh,okay."

I still had to learn Phil's secret,but I wasn't gonna pressure it on him. He said more than one and he thought I'd leave him for one of them which scared me a lot. We'd been friends for five years and he said most of them have been here for five years,nothing Phil does could make me leave him alone,especially not now.

~I started to set up the camera in the Phil's room for the coming out as a couple video since his room was always bright. "Are you ready?", I asked grabbing hold of his hand, "More than ever.", he smiled.

I pressed record and we started to talk. After a bunch of random stuff we finally decided to say what we came to say, " So we know a lot of you will be happy with this", Phil began and looked at me smiling, "me and Dan are sorta a couple now." We kissed,did heart hands and rapped up the video.

"I think that went well.", I said and hugged Phil around the waist and put my head into his shoulder,he put his arms around me, " I think so too,let's get this up and edited,the sooner they all know the better."

I was actually surprised how open Phil was with telling everyone. "Phil,I don't mean to pressure you or anything but you still have to tell me the secrets you wanted to tell me." Phil looked at me and gave a half smile. "Let's go somewhere more soothing to talk about it,wanna go for a near by the woods?", " Sure,I'll grab our jackets."

I wasn't sure what Phil was gonna tell me,but I know I would be there to help him through it if it was this bad to the point he was scared to tell me. All I know is that I'm never gonna leave him ever, because everday I was falling harder and harder for him,and I didn't mind at all.

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