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I'm writing another chapter tonight yeet,enjoy! ^_^

Dan's POV

I opened the door as the pizza guy arrived and handed him the money, "Phil,the goods here!", I yelled to him. I set the pizza down on the counter as Phil walked in. I opened the box and went to put a slice on the page and me and Phil brushed hands, " Sorry." Phil said quickly bluching and pulling his hand away fast,I just looked at him for a moment before he walked out of the room.

It felt weird touching his hand,but I liked it,what was I thinking,who thinks touching their best friends hand is 'nice'. I sat down on the couch next to Phil and we watched a new anime on TV.

For some reason I found myself staring at Phil for what seemed like forever, but then Phil looked at me and I quickly looked away, "Dan,are you okay?", " Yeah fine,I just,I'm gonna go to bed a bit early, I don't feel to good."

~Thw next day~

I woke up to Phil making pancakes in the kitchen,I had a random urge to just go and grab his waist and kiss his cheek,what's gotten into me,I'm straight,Phil's straight,so I don't know what was going on with me.

"Morning Phil", I said making Phil jump a bit," Morning Dan, I love having morning heart attacks", he giggled and I looked into his ice blue eyes,man they were so intense,I could just stare at them forever. Phil blushed and turned away back towards the stove, I could feel my face then red.

We sat at the table and ate our pancakes, it was so quiet and awkward,so I broke the ice, "What do you wanna do today?", " I hadn't really thought about it yet,why?", "Well Phil, I was thinking we could go to the zoo today.", " Sounds great,I'll get ready."

I wasn't really sure whay was going on with me yet,but I had a plan,I wanted to try something to help me figure things out. Taking Phil to the zoo might help me better understand what was going on with my feelings,after all Phil's been acting a little strange too.

Phil was looking at the lions of course and I tried to focus on them,but all I could do was stare at his hand and how soft it looked,of course I couldn't do anything,Phil isn't gay,and I don't think I am? "Is something wrong Dan?", I jumped a bit, " Uh no,its um,nothing,it's nothing.", I said trying to give a convincing smile, "Okay..", Phil said slowly.

I decided to get Phil a new lion stuffed animal not that he doesn't have e ouch already, the thought of how happy he'll be made me smile like an idiot. " Aw Dan its so cute, thank you!", he smiled and I saw that sparkle in his eye again, "Of course,now let's go look at the rest of the animals."

~On the walk home it was quiet and I couldn't focus my mind,there was just so many questions coming in from everywhere. I looked at Phil who was just walking casual and then I saw his hand so open again,like I was meant to hold it.

They say that in life you only regret the chances you didn't take, so I took a chance. I grabbed Phil's hand and interlocked our fingers,and he let me. We walked home the rest of the way holding hands,and I wasn't sure exactly what was happening,wall I knew was I was happy and that Phil was smiling.

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