Chapter eleven

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Chesters POV:

it had been almost 6 months since me and parker broke up and i moved out. i've been over it for a bit but for the past week i've been thinking about him again. maybe i was in the wrong... no i couldn't be... i needed to do something to get my mind off of it. then i got a call on my phone. it was parker. i recognized the number still. i declined the call and just blocked the number. why was he calling now? it had been almost 6 whole months. i just didn't understand. i kept trying to think of something to do. then i realized i needed to get some groceries so i decided to go do that to get my mind off of it for a bit. i got to the store and i had almost everything i needed then i accidentally ran into someone.

Chester: oh my gosh i'm so s- parker?????
Parker: wh- oh uh h- hi chester........
Chester: what are you doing h- here?
Parker: well i mean this is a store...
Chester: oh my gosh how stupid am i.
Parker: your not stupid... actually i've been thinking a lot about you lately....
Chester: well i haven't. so please just leave me alone.
Parker: chester wait-
Chester: please just leave me alone!
Parker: m- maybe we could go get coffee or something?? not like a date but just to you know talk just as friends or it doesn't have to be like friends it doesn't have to be like anything!
Chester: i- i don't know...
Parker: please. just this once.
Chester: fine. when?
Parker: uhh does tomorrow at 2pm work??
Chester: yeah i guess...
Parker: okay great! see you then!!
Chester: yep... see you....

i went to the checkout then took all my groceries to the car and headed home. i can't believe i ACTUALLY said yes to getting coffee with him tomorrow. i sighed and just went to lay down but i couldn't stop thinking about him again.

Parker's POV:

i can't believe it. i'm actually meeting up with chester tomorrow. it's been almost 6 months. i just missed him so much. i regret saying all that stuff to him. i know i was the one in the wrong all along but i just want to make it right.

(time skip to the next day at 2pm still parker's POV)

i was waiting for chester at the coffee place. it was 2:02 pm. i know that was only 2 minutes after but i thought he wouldn't show up. a couple minutes later i heard him coming.

Chester: hey..... sorry i was late.....
Parker: it's fine. i can't believe you actually came...
Chester: yep....
Parker: well let's sit down then.
Chester: okay...

(about 10 minutes later)

Chester: wow it's actually been kinda fun talking again....
Parker: yeah it has.. well uh.. i really regret how i treated you and well i want to make it right..,
Chester: parker i said that we couldn't be like that again. you know what i knew you were going to do something like this you always do. i'm leaving..
Parker: chester wait-
Chester: no parker. i'm done here.

chester left me sitting there. i felt tears start to form in my eyes. i messed up my one chance of getting him back.

Chesters POV:

i felt kinda bad for what i just did... he did apologize after all and i kinda just blew him off.. no. things can never work out again. or could they...........

(a couple hours later at 8pm)

Parker's POV:

i was still really sad about what happened earlier. i would never get him back. then i heard a knock on the door. i got up and sighed. i walked over to the door and opened it and it was chester.

Parker: what are you d-

before i could finish he cut me off.

Chester: things fall apart. they fall apart so hard.
Parker: chester?......
Chester: you can't ever- put them back the way they were...
Parker: are you okay?...
Chester: sorry it's just....... you know it takes time. you can't just have coffee and expect-
Parker: i know.
Chester: there's just so much to work through. trust has to be built again on both sides. you have to learn if- if we're even the same people we were.. if you can fit in each other's lives. it's a long important process.

i looked down sadly knowing that it would take a long time for all that to happen. but then he started to say something else.

Chester: can we just skip it? can you- can you just be kissing me now?.....

i looked up at him and smiled. i got up and practically ran over to him. i started kissing him
and we started to make out. it felt so amazing. it was the happiest i'd be in so long. finally, i had him back.

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