Chapter nine

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so there's going to be a time skip to when they graduate high school and their almost 18 years old soo enjoy!!

Parker's POV:

finally. me and chester stood there looking at each other. we both graduated high school and were going to college. luckily we both got into the same college so we would still be able to see each other. most people now knew that we were dating but we didn't mind and surprisingly chester didn't mind either. we started being really open with our relationship. chester got kicked out of his house when he came out to his family but luckily he was able to come live with me. our college wasn't far from my house so we would still be living together in the same place. we were kinda scared to start college but always reassured ourselves that it would be okay.

Chester: wow dude.... i can't believe we just graduated...
Parker: i know.... and we've been together for awhile now too....
Chester: yeah that was definitely the best thing that happened in our entire 4 years of high school! i'm glad we started almost 3 years ago.
Parker: me too. i love you.
Chester: i love you too.

we just continued to stand there together. eventually we went home and just rested since we were kinda exhausted after the graduation.

Chesters POV:

i can't believe i just graduated high school. and with parker as my boyfriend. if i had told my 9th grade self that parker would be my boyfriend at the end of high school i wouldn't have believed it. but it was true. i couldn't be happier though. i loved him so much. after we got home we didn't really do much. we just ate then went go lay down. we ended up falling asleep and woke up cuddled up with each other. we just looked at each other and smiled while getting up.

Parker: dude we gotta go to the store today.
Chester: do we really have to... i just wanna lay here with you all day...
Parker: oh my gosh just get up and stop being lazy.
Chester: i-
Parker: chester i- i-
Chester: you know what save it.
Parker: fine whatever stay here. i don't care.

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