Chapter seven

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(time skip to 2 months later)

Parker's POV:

me and chester were dating for a little over 2 months now and so far it was going good and no one at our school was suspicious after the whole holding hands thing so that was a big relief. especially for chester cause he was freaking out a lot. everything was going absolutely fine. or so i thought. it was saturday morning and i had just woken at 10am which was late for me. chester was the one that usually woke up around this time. so i tried to call him but he didn't answer which was really unusual for him. i called him like 10 more times and he didn't answer. chester never had anything to do on the weekend at all so i knew he couldn't be busy. i started to worry so i decided to walk over to his house which was like a 10 minute walk. i got to his house and his parents car wasn't there. then i remembered. his parents and sister were on vacation for the weekend. which meant he was home alone. i took out the key chester gave me to his house and went inside. i yelled his name and didn't get any response. i yelled for him again. still no response. i looked all over then i looked in the bathroom..... when i opened the door my heart dropped. he was just laying there. i looked on the counter and there was a pill bottle almost completely empty.

Parker: oh my god oh my god. chester! wake up please! come on baby wake up.. i gotta get you to the hospital.

i picked chester up and carried him to his sisters car that was still there. he was still sorta breathing but i could tell i had to hurry or it would be too late. i quickly drove to the hospital which thankfully wasn't that far. i quickly picked him up and ran inside. immediately a nurse noticed and ran over to us.

Nurse: oh my gosh what happened!
Parker: i think he tried to overdose on pills...
Nurse: oh dear! doctor get over here!

the doctor came and took him to a room and i just sat in the waiting room nervously. was he going to make it? i couldn't loose the one thing i loved most... he meant too much to me... it was about 3 hours later and i was still waiting. i had been told that they weren't able to contact his family at all. i guess they were too busy having fun to even care about their son. a little later the doctor came out of the room and walked over to me.

Doctor: i got some good news for you.
Parker: he made it????
Doctor: yep and you can come see him now. your his friend right??
Parker: oh uh.. i'm actually his b- boyfriend..
Doctor- oh- i see.
Parker: sorry if it's weird to you or something..
Doctor: what? why would it be weird?
Parker: well... everyone at our school thinks that it's bad or whatever.
Doctor: well i don't think that at all. i'm always supportive of everyone. now let's not keep your boyfriend waiting.
Parker: thank you.

i got up with a smile on my face. finally someone who supported us.

Chesters POV:

i woke up with a headache and in a hospital bed.. i started panicking not knowing how the hell i got there. shoot. if my family came home early and their the ones who brought me here which i honestly doubt it they're gonna beat the hell out of me once they come in here. a nurse saw me starting to panic and came over and assured me that everything would be okay. then i heard a voice coming from down the hall. the doctor came in and said he had a surprise. parker then walked in with a huge smile on his face. my face lit up with joy.

Chester: parker!!
Parker: chester im so happy to see you!! i thought you weren't going to make it...
Chester: wait you found me and brought me here?!
Parker: yeah....
Chester: oh my god. i- i didn't want y- you to see me like that..... i'm so sorry....
Parker: chester.... even though it really scared me and hurt me a lot all that matters is that your okay...
Chester: i love you so much.
Parker. i love you way more. but please next time your having thoughts like that tell me.

me and parker hugged and it honestly felt so good. i can't believe i have someone who cares about me this much.

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