Chapter twelve

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Parker's POV:

i woke up and didn't even realize chester was laying with his arms around me cuddled close to me. i barely even remembered last night. it was mostly a blur. i checked my phone and the clock said 8:03am. i was going to get up but i didn't want to possibly wake chester. so i just waited for him to wake up. i cuddled a little closer to him. gosh he was amazing. i love him so much. it took about an hour to wake up and he almost didn't realize he was in bed with me.

Chester: oh my gosh dude- i almost forgot where i was-
Parker: yeah last nights mostly a blur to me too.
Chester: all i really remember was us making out for what felt like forever then you kinda pulled me into your bed and the rest is a complete blur.
Parker: well that doesn't matter. all that matters is that i have you back. and i'm never letting go of you again. i love you.
Chester: i love you too. soo what should we do today?
Parker: oh uh well i was hoping we could just stay in bed maybe watch some tv and just cuddle all day? unless you want to do something else...
Chester: are you kidding me? why wouldn't i want to do that? we've been apart for almost 6 months and you expect me to say no to that??
Parker: haha guess your right.
Chester: yep. now let's put something on.
Parker: okay.. or how about i just admire your cuteness all day?
Chester: i'm not cute.. your the cute one..
Parker: we're both cute. end of discussion. now let's watch something.

i put on a movie for us to watch and we were both cuddled close to each other. it felt so amazing after all it had been almost 6 months. but all that matters is that we're back together.

Chesters POV:

last night before i came to his house i was at home thinking about him so much. i realized that he was really sorry. and that i should give things a shot again. i'm glad i did. if i didn't i would be laying here cuddled up with him right now.

Chester: parker......
Parker: yeah?
Chester: we're never gonna loose each other again right???
Parker: of course not. i love you.
Chester: i love you too.

and with that we just layed there watching the movie glad to be with each other.

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