Chapter eight

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Parker's POV:

after a few minutes we stopped hugging and just looked at each other. his eyes were so beautiful. his smile and everything about him was amazing.

Chester: yeah i know.... i'm too cute...
Parker: haha yes you are.
Chester: but your cuter.
Parker: shut up. your way cuter.
Chester: ok ok let's stop arguing over who's cuter... or else we'll be arguing over it all day.
Parker: haha guess your right.
Doctor: well i hate to ruin the moment but visiting hours are over. chester can leave the hospital tomorrow morning. will you be getting him?
Parker: yes of course i will.
Chester: can't wait to see you again. love you.
Parker: love you too chester.

i gave him a quick kiss on the lips and i saw him blush then i left the room. then the doctor starting asking me some questions.

Doctor: so how long have you and him been together?
Parker: oh uh a little over 2 months.
Doctor: oh well good for you guys.
Parker- t- thanks. we've never really had anyone who's supported us...
Doctor: well you got a lot of people here who support you. now i recommend getting home so you'll be ready to get chester tomorrow.
Parker: okay bye.

Chesters POV:

it had only been a few minutes and i already missed parker so much. i was so stupid for trying to overdose. i mean i wouldn't have been able to see parker anymore. the one person i cared about the most. it was just hard when people kept saying being gay is weird and that guys shouldn't be together. i just wish i would stop seeing those comments everywhere. i wanted to tell everyone that me and parker were dating but literally everyone was super homophobic. i just couldn't. i just was so tired of it. it was a stupid decision but i'm never going to do that again.

(time skip to the next day after parker picked up chester)

Parker's POV:

we got back to my house and chester went and just layed on my bed looking exhausted.

Parker: did you get much sleep last night??
Chester... i- no not really..... i just couldn't stop thinking about you... i just wanted to be with you.
Parker: aw your too cute. well your with me now.
Chester: yeah.. i love you so much.
Parker: i love you too.
Chester: i honestly don't know what i would do without you.
Parker: i don't know what i would do without you either. your my world i love you so much.
Chester: aw thanks.. your my world too.. now how about put a movie on?
Parker: alright.

Chesters POV:

he put the movie on and i layed my head on his shoulder and sat closer to him. he didn't mind it at all. we just watched the movie and enjoyed being with each other.

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