chapter seventeen

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Parker's POV:

chester came home and had several bruises and it looked like his nose had been bleeding a lot and it was still kinda bleeding. i immediately ran over to him and picked him up.

Chester: i- im fine...
Parker: no your not. let me help.

i took chester to lay down in my room and went to get stuff from the bathroom to help clean him up. i put some bandages on him where his bruises were and he just looked at me ashamed.

Chester: i- im sorry...
Parker: for what baby?
Chester: w- well you always have to help me.. i never help you.. i'm such a horrible boyfriend parker....
Parker: chester no. look at me.

he looked up at me with tears in his eyes.

Parker: i will always love you no matter what. we may have had our ups and downs and still do have some bad moments once in awhile but that'll never change the fact that i love you more than anyone or anything. i want to spend the rest of my life with you.
Chester: d- do you really mean that.......
Parker: of course i do. i love you so much.
Chester: i love you too parker. i'm so lucky to have you in my life.. i want to spend the rest of my life with you too.
Parker: i knew you'd say that.
Chester: whatever babe..
Parker: your too cute.
Chester: nope you are.
Parker: no you are and that's final.
Chester: whatever but i still think your cuter.
Parker: think what you want to think.
Chester: whatever. sooo what should we do for the rest of the day??
Parker: whatever you want babe.
Chester: in that case.. let's go to the beach!
Parker: the beach?? well i guess we haven't gone there in awhile sooo...

chester sat there looking at me with puppy dog eyes. he was so cute i just couldn't say no to him.

Parker: alright alright fineee. but your packing!
Chester: sorry im too hurt to pack. guess you'll have to do it yourself haha.
Parker: fine fine. you win.
Chester: i'm just kidding! ill help.
Parker: thank you.
Chester: of course baby.

Chesters POV:

after we got all packed up we got in the car and drove to the beach. it wasn't that far of a drive which was good. there wasn't that many people either. there was a couple families there but it still wasn't as busy as usual. we found a spot and put our stuff down and just sat down and talked for a bit. i was enjoying it a lot since we never really went out that much before.

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