Chapter six

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Chesters POV:

it had been a week since parker gave me those flowers and we kissed. i ended up asking him to be my boyfriend afterwards and of course he said yes obviously since we were practically almost making out before. it had been the best week EVER. i know a week sounds sort but parker's already the best boyfriend ever. like how did i get so lucky? i was excited to see him at school even though i literally just saw him yesterday when we walked home together. i just loved seeing him as much as i could. i loved him more than anyone or anything. i went down to try and eat something before i left to walk to school with parker but of course my parents were hung over again from all their drinking last night. so there wasn't anything made like usual. i just sighed then walked outside to see parker already waiting there. i gave the best fake smile i could but still it wasn't enough to fool him.

Parker: bro are you okay? i can tell somethings bothering you..
Chester: well my parents of course were drinking again and there wasn't anything to eat since they're always hung over and don't make anything for me and my little sister.
Parker: wow.... i'm so sorry... you know... if you ever need to get away from them you can always come stay at my house for a bit..
Chester: r- really??
Parker: of course. i love you so why wouldn't i let you?

i laughed at bit then stopped to look at him in the eyes.

Chester: i'm so lucky to have you parker. i love you too.
Parker: i'm lucky to have you too... its unbelievable how adorable you are.
Chester: i'm not that adorable.....
Parker: so you admit? your at least a little adorable?
Chester: i- uh- well uhh yes..
Parker: finally you admit it.

i blushed a little then stared at him for a few seconds before remembering that we had to get to school.

Chester: don't we have to get to school??
Parker: oh shoot i almost forgot. sorry.
Chester: haha it's fine. it's easy to get distracted by your cuteness.

he looked at me and and blushed. he grabbed my hand and we were holding hands the whole way there without even realizing it. once we got there people were giving us weird looks. we looked at each other then looked down and saw we were still holding hands. we immediately let go and just tried to avoid everyone so it wouldn't seem too suspicious. we got inside and we both went to our lockers. i went to his locker after i got done at mine and he closed his locker and we started to talk about what we should do in case people begin to get suspicious of us and figure out we're dating.

Chester: dude... i really hope people don't figure out we're together....
Parker: relax. we were just holding hands by accident. maybe they'll think it was an accident too?
Chester: i hope... but what if they don't???
Parker: i'm sure we'll figure it out it they get suspicious okay??
Chester: okay...
Parker: just remember i love you and i'll always be here for you.
Chester: thank you parker... i'll always be here for you too... and i love you more

with that we started walking to class smiling at each other the whole way there.

sorry this chapter was all in chesters POV but the next one will have parker and chesters POV.

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