Chapter sixteen

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(2 days later)

Chesters POV:

i woke up and parker had his arms around my waist holding onto me tightly. i smiled and hugged him and decided to just wait for him to wake up. about an hour later i started playing with his hair then he woke up and looked at me.

Chester: oh i- i- im sorry i-

i was cut off by parker kissing me on the lips. after a few seconds he pulled away and smirked at me.

Parker: it's fine and you didn't wake me up at all.
Chester: o- okay.
Parker: is something wrong baby?
Chester: n- no..
Parker: chester... i can tell something is wrong... please tell me.
Chester: f- fine.. m- my sister texted me and wants to meet up with me..
Parker: oh.. well you haven't seen her for years so that's good right??
Chester: well... she's 17 now and she was 9 when my parents kicked me out.. but she never knew the reason why and my parents probably taught her to be way more homophobic then them after that!
Parker: chester.. i know it's difficult but even if they did try to teach her that she doesn't have to listen.
Chester: y- yeah i guess your right..
Parker: d- do you want me to come with?
Chester: no i'll be fine... thanks for offering though.. i love you.
Parker: i love you too.
Chester: she wants to meet up with me at 10am.
Parker: well it's 9am right now so you better get going!
Chester: shoot your right. thanks babe.
Parker: your welcome!!

i went to get ready to leave and gave parker a quick kiss before i left. i was nervous but i kept convincing myself that it would all be okay. my sister said she wanted to meet at a coffee shop near me and parkers house. the same coffee place we went to a few years ago after we broke up.. it wasn't a great memory of how i treated him there before i left but that was what lead to us getting back together so i guess it wasn't all that bad. i waited there for her for about 10 minutes then i heard someone whisper in my ear. i jumped then i saw it was my sister.

Chester: josie! you scared the hell out of me!
Josie: sorry!! just wanted to have a little fun sneaking up on you!
Chester: haha very funny.
Josie: yep! now come on let's get to our table it's been like FOREVER since we've seen each other. you know since you got kicked out for whatever reason i was never told.
Chester: oh y- yeah about that...
Josie: ohh you finally gonna tell me?
Chester: look even if you don't support me im going to say it. i'm gay.

she looked at me shocked. then i saw a disgusted look on her face.

Chester: i don't care what our parents said! this is who i am! if you can't accept that then get the hell out of here!
Chester: oh yeah? try t-

i was cut off by josie punching me so hard my nose started to bleed. she kicked me in the stomach then kicked me a few more times. everyone in the coffee place looked over at us shocked. she quickly ran off and everyone was looking at me. i ran off into the bathroom and just started crying. i had a few bruises on me and my nose wouldn't stop bleeding. i knew this wasn't a good idea.

Parker's POV:

it had been almost 2 hours since chester left but he said it would only be about an hour. i started worrying about him a lot. what was taking so long? was he okay? about 5 minutes later his car pulled up and i was relieved that he was okay. after about 2 minutes he opened the front door and walked inside and i was immediately shocked.

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