chapter eighteen

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Chesters POV:

after just talking for about 20 minutes we decided to get into the water just for a little bit.

Parker: come on babe. don't he a scaredy cat.
Chester: t- the waters just cold..
Parker: it'll be fine don't worry i'm here.
Chester: t- thanks..

i was slowly walking in the very cold water until parker grabbed my wrist and pulled me in. at first i was a little mad but i actually enjoyed it.

Chester: dude! why'd you do that?
Parker: because you look cute with your hair wet.
Chester: oh so i didn't look cute before?
Parker: well you did but it's also really funny.

we stared at each other and started laughing.

Chester: it's been a long time since we've had this much fun hasnt it?
Parker: yeah.. it has.. i love you though even if we don't spend that much time just hanging out.
Chester: i love you too.

we just stared at each other for about a minute until i pulled parker closer to me and kissed him. we pulled away after a few seconds since we were out in public so it wasn't really the smartest idea to make out in front of everyone. i noticed at girl who looked maybe around 9? i honestly don't know. she just kinda stared at us until she started coming towards us.

Chester: babe who's that girl coming towards us?
Parker: i have no idea...
Zara: hiii my name is zaraaaa!!!
Parker: hi?
Zara: i watch your youtube channel!!
Chester: how old are you?
Zara: i'm 10! i turn 11 in 5 months though!
Chester: oh uh cool..
Parker: so you really watch our channel?
Zara: yeah and i just saw you two kiss!

oh no. none of our fans knew we were dating. now this girl does. i looked down ashamed. i guess parker noticed then pulled me into a hug.

Zara: it's okay!! i won't tell anyone! also i'm pretty sure no one else noticed because everyone else is just paying attention to themselves or their family!
Parker: that's good... but you promise not to tell anyone?
Zara: of course! my lips are sealed!

Parker's POV:

chester started calming down a bit and that girl had ran off.

Parker: chester maybe we should leave..
Chester: y- yeah let's leave...

we got into the car and chester was completely silent.

Parker: chester look im sorry this didn't turn out the way we wanted it to..
Chester: are you kidding?? this was amazing. i mean yeah we didn't get to stay for long and i started freaking out but still. it's the most fun i've had in a long time.
Parker: aw well im glad to hear that because that means you'll love what i have planned next even more.
Chester: oh no what is it now?
Parker: you'll see....

i ended up driving to the old park where we first got together and had our first kiss.

Chesters POV:

were we where i thought we were? the old park that me and parker first got together at. all the memories.

Chester: wow.. i remember this place...
Parker: yep...
Chester: why are we here though??
Parker: well.. i thought it kinda fit with what i had planned..
Chester: what do you mean????

we stared at each other for about 2 minutes.

Parker: i've been waiting to do this for a long time...

do what? after that he gave me a soft smile and got down on one knee.

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