Chapter 24

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"Did you boys miss me?", she asks Loki and Thor. "Not really.", Loki answers immediately. "You can go back to where you came from. You are not welcome here.", Thor tells her. I am standing right next to Bucky, and he is trying to hide me behind him. "You boys will feel my wrath. The throne of Asgard is my birth right. I am Hela, Odin's first born, the goddess of death, and I will rule Asgard, or no one will. If you wish to live, you are welcome to leave through the Bifrost and find yourself another place to live. But this realm is mine and no man is going to stop me.", Hela announces. I step out from behind Bucky. "Then it has to be me that stops you.", I say. She looks at me surprised. "Who do you think you are?", Hela asks me.

"Apparently, I have many names. My friends and family call me Hailey. But in this realm, I have learned that people know me as Halla of Asgard, the protector of the phoenix fire, bringer of peace, mother of fire dragons and the goddess of elemental powers. Was that all? Oh right, I am also Odindottir. I might be the youngest of us siblings, but I am going to be the one that destroys you.", I tell her. She stares at me. "Another Odindottir. Oh, this will be fun.", she says and starts to run towards me.

She throws a sword, that she just conjured, at me and on the last second Bucky manages to catch it with his metal arm. "Maybe you shouldn't have pissed off your sister. You are meeting for the first time after all.", he says to me and smirks. I let out a little laugh and begin to attack her. I blast her with the fire power. Thor is attacking with his hammer. Bucky is helping Loki to get everyone safe from the courtyard.

Suddenly we hear howling coming from close by. I turn around and see this massive wolf-like creature. Behind this wolf is a demonic looking army that is marching towards Asgard. "You didn't think I was coming alone, did you?", Hela asks Thor. "Loki, someone has to deal with Fenrir.", Thor yells. Loki just nods and looks at the wolf. Loki leaves us with some of the palace guards. The army of Asgard is running towards Hela's army, to protect the city and its people. The chaos has started. Everyone is terrified but doing everything they can to protect their homes and families. "So shall the Ragnarok come.", Hela says with a smile.

The battle has been going on for a while. Loki is fighting against the giant wolf Fenrir. Me, Thor, and Bucky are fighting with Hela. The guards and army of Asgard are battling with Hela's army. I can see our men falling down. I can see destruction. I see pain and death. I have managed to call the dragons and phoenixes to help our side. The dragons use their fires against Fenrir and the demon army. The phoenixes are healing our people with their tears. Hela looks around and sees the demon army attacked by the dragons and phoenixes. "What? There have not been dragons in this realm for centuries.", Hela shouts. "The dragons have returned to their home. They belong here. You don't.", I tell her. She throws her sword at me. I don't have time to dodge it. I just watch it getting closer. Thor sees this and yells at me, "Watch out!". I am frozen, I can't move. It is almost hitting me, but then Bucky steps in front of me. The sword impales him, and I watch him fall down in slow motion. I scream. I fall to my knees. I am now holding his head in my hands. I am trying to comfort him. I am trying to help him, but I don't know how. "Funí!", I scream. Bucky looks at me and while gasping for air, he says to me, "I will always love you. I am always nearby. I will always watch over you two.". He closes his eyes. "No!", I scream. At that second, everything stops.

Suddenly I can feel my powers switch into another gear. I can feel them building up. I am not glowing with a weak reddish hue. I am not covered in little flames. There is no flicker of flames in my eyes. My tears are falling down on him. Funí has flown to us. He is also crying right now. Funí lets out aloud screech. I can feel a power burst. And in seconds, we are surrounded with purple flames. These flames emit so much energy that when they ignited, it threw Hela and Thor off their feet. My tears are falling on Bucky's body and his wounds. Hela's sword, that is made of dark magic and that just moment ago impaled Bucky, crumbles down into dust. Bucky's wounds are healing, but I don't notice it from my sorrow.

My anger is building up. I can see every moment with Bucky flashing in front of my eyes. Every time he told me that he loves me. Every time he called me "doll". Every moment when I felt safe has been shattered. I can feel my powers building up. I lower Bucky's head down slowly and gently. Funí stays with him and is healing him. I stand up, but I hold my head down. Without me knowing, Bucky opens his eyes and sees me.

I am covered in these purple fumes. With my powers I lift myself in the air. Thor and Hela both are standing now and just staring at me. The armies have stopped their fighting, and everyone is now looking at me. "You took him from me.", I say and lift up my head. My eyes have turned into this shimmering white colour. My now deep fiery red hair is actually flowing upwards in the air because of my rage. I have power emitting from my hands, and I am slowly firming these two energy orbs.

"He was everything to me. He was my best friend. He was the love of my life. He was the father of my child. He was my everything. And you took him from me. This ends now. This war is over!", I yell. I let go of the powers that I have been gathering inside of me. The powers burst and demolishes the entire army of Hela. This power even knocks down Fenrir. It hits Hela and she falls back down. Loki is now able to secure Fenrir in shackles with the help of the palace guards. Hela is laying down on the ground. I walk to her. With my powers, I lift her up and hold her few inches from the ground.

"I am the bringer of peace. And this war is over. The Ragnarök shall not be happening. You shall not take any more lives. You are banished from our home.", I say to Hela while staring at her. I can see that she is terrified while she looks into my glowing white eyes. "The goddess of death shall no longer walk among us. You shall be returned to Niflheim.", I state. I gather every power that I have. I am now hovering above the ground and mine and Hela's eyes are on the same level. Orbs of energy are appearing around me. At first they are small, but they are growing fast. They are all different colours. I can feel their power and so can Hela. Loki has returned to us and is actually now helping Bucky with Funí and Spjalli. Bucky is healing fast thanks to the phoenixes, and he is now on his feet. I still haven't been able to look at him. I have concentrated my full attention towards my sister. The different coloured energy orbs are now glowing strongly.

"The universe is formed from the elemental energy.", Loki tells Bucky while they are looking at the colour glow. "Gray for air, green for earth, red for fire, blue for water, yellow for electricity, light blue for ice, white for lightness, and black for darkness.", Loki counts the different coloured orbs out loud. I am now using these orbs to control Hela. The orbs are surrounding her. Their glow is getting stronger. "As long as there is love in the Nine Realms, you shall never be released.", I say to Hela and soon continue with a little smile, "Goodbye sister, have fun in Hel!".

Hela and what's left of her demonic army disappear from Asgard and without seeing it, I know that they are now in Niflheim. Fenrir is held down with the shackles by the guards. Ragnarok never came to be. I return back to myself and fall down to my knees. The tears are now again pouring from my eyes. I am holding my stomach. I cannot believe that I have lost the love of my life. He died in my arms after saving us. I hold my face in my hands and cry.

Thor and Loki have come to me, and they lower their arms on my shoulders. I feel someone walking near me. He stops in front of me and gets down to his knees. A hand takes a gentle hold of my chin and lifts it. Through my tears I can see his face smiling at me. "Your powers saved me. You saved me. You saved us all.", he says and kisses my lips gently. I throw myself on him. I hug him as tightly as I can. "I will never let go of you Bucky.", I whisper to him. 

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