Chapter 14

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After Thor told us about the Nine Realms and my parents, we start to prepare the aircraft and ourselves for the rescue mission. Tony is updating his suits firmware. Barton is tightening his bows string and counting his arrows. He then calls his wife and talks with his kids on the phone. Bruce is preparing himself for the journey and the fact that he can't change into Hulk on the way. Nat and Bucky are both cleaning their weapons and comparing them like children. Pietro went for a run. He probably ran to the next town and back before any of us others did anything. Steve has his suit on and shield on his back. He is looking at a photo of a woman. Nat told me before that Steve carries it with him, because it reminds him of Peggy, his old friend, and the love of his life. Sam is calibrating Red Wing. Me, Wanda, and Vision are meditating in the middle of lounge, and some people are getting annoyed because apparently it doesn't help. Thor and Loki are talking about Odin and Hela. I hear them and stop the meditation. I walked to them and asked, "What are you guys talking about?". They explained that we need to be careful on our mission. We don't want to disturb the Niflheim realm at all. If Hela is there and gains any power, she might be able to break free.

In the middle of this all Tony pulls me a side. He shows me this bright red suit that he designed for me. It was light as feather, and it fit me like a glow. He started to explain how it is made basically from the same nanobots that he uses in his suit. But mine doesn't have a mask or other gadgets that he has. But one thing is different. This suit is good in any temperature. "So that ice, snow or coldness could never put down the fire inside of you.", he says. I hug him. "It's perfect.", I say gratefully. I change into the suit in the bathroom. When I get back to the lounge, everyone is looking at me. "Looking good.", Nat says and winks at me. Bucky walks up to me and kisses me. "You look beautiful.", he says and hold me in his arms. He has polished his arm and is in his black gear. His mask is in his hand, and he has multiple guns on him. "Are you sure you have enough guns?", I ask. "You can never be too careful.", he says and smirks at me.

When Bucky releases me from his grip, Thor and Loki come to me. They give me this red cape with green flames on it. "In our family, cape is a must.", Loki says and winks at me, while Thor is putting it on me. It is perfect. I hug them both at the same time. After the hug, Funí flies on my shoulder and shrieks so loudly that everyone turns to us. "So, are we ready?", I ask everyone. Steve looks around and says, "Avengers, assemble!"

I don't know how long we were in the aircraft, but I was able to take a nap and have an interesting conversation with Nat and Wanda, in the corner. It must have looked like we were there, gossiping. Nat pulled us both in that corner and started the conversation, "I just noticed that you have couple of hair strands that are red. What's that about? have you gone to a salon without us?". Wanda realizes that she saw them when we were training for the first time, but she never got explanation. I smile and look at Bucky, who is talking with Steve and Thor. "Well...", I started, "I was with Bucky and we... you know.". They were both speechless. And then Nat said, with a hint of disappointment in her voice, "How could you keep this kind of news from us?", and Wanda continued on that, "Yeah, you should have told us.". I started to tell them what happened, and I told them about my hair changing colour in the middle of it. I said that we noticed next morning that a small strand of my hair never turned back. But then I realize that there is more red hair now. Maybe the closer I get to find out who I am, more I turn to red head. During our conversation I almost forgot, why we were in the aircraft. I haven't really spent time this much just us girls. These days I was always with Bucky, Funí, Thor or Loki. Or training. "After this, we should have a girls' day. You know, spa, shopping, good food and gossiping.", I suggest. They both agree and we hug each other. "We are there, in Muspelheim.", Barton and Loki inform us.

We all gather to the front of the aircraft. It's extremely warm and everyone except me, Thor and Loki are affected by the heat. Tony gives people something that they have created in the lab with Bruce and Vision. "These go to your neck, they will keep you chilled when they are on.", Tony explains. "I think you should give Bucky an extra one so that he can handle the heat coming from Hailey.", Sam jokes. I laugh. Bucky looks at me and says, "I like the warmth that she brings.". He smirks at me. They all put these necklaces on their necks, and we keep moving deeper in to Muspelheim.

We have been flying some time, when suddenly Barton shouts, "Something is following us and catching us quickly. It's at least twice the size of the aircraft.". Thor looks at the monitor and laughs out loud. "It is a Fire Dragon.", he says, and I can hear a little bit of concern in his voice. "I can handle it.", I tell them. Bucky is nervous and Steve says that we can find another way, I don't have to fight. "Just because I am new doesn't mean that I have to step aside. I can handle the heat outside and from that thing, you can't.", I try to convince him. Steve glance at Bucky and finally gives me a permission to go outside. "You know that you don't have to ask him a permission, right?", I say to Steve while nodding towards Bucky. Steve smiles and nods.

I get on the top of the aircraft, and I can feel the heat. It feels nice. I see the dragon behind us. I keep going through everything that Wanda and Vision taught me. And then start to remember the fighting sessions with Nat, Steve, and Bucky. I use my powers to give me a lift in the air. The aircraft keeps going forward and I propel myself towards the dragon. It tries to bite me, but I dodge, just like Nat told me. I land on the dragon's back and start to move closer to its head. I can't believe that I am doing this. A short time ago, I was held captive, weak and alone. Now I have a family, a purpose, and powers. Right now, I am sort of thankful for the Hydra experiments. I am stronger now and I know that I can defeat this beast.

I get near its head and notice that it has a chain around its neck. The chain has gotten buried deep into this dragon's flesh. I need to do something. I start to use my powers to get the chains away. The dragon is hovering in one spot, trying to get rid of me. The aircraft is now pointed at the dragon and me. They see that I am not trying to enslave the dragon. Steve asks through the earpieces that we use to communicate with each other, "What are you doing? Just kill it!", Steve says to me. "No! It needs my help. I can do this, trust me.", I respond and finally get the chain of. The fact that someone would hurt this being like that hurts me and a start to slowly cry. The tears run to the dragon's wounds, and they start to heal. I am still holding on to the dragon's scales while it was trying to throw me of its back. Suddenly it stops. It moves its head closer to me and caresses me with it. The others are standing in the aircraft, looking at me. All of them had their jaws dropped. "Did she just tame a dragon?", Loki asked. "I think she did, brother.", Thor said surprised.

I flew on the back of the dragon to the aircraft. I used the earpiece to tell them that I got a ride. I laugh and start to continue our journey. Somehow, I feel a connection with this creature. I try to open my heart to it, to communicate. I lay on its back and stroke him. I feel the connection and I beg it to let me know where the phoenixes are. It stops so suddenly that the aircraft almost hits us. It looks into my eyes, and I realize that it has the same fire inside of it that me and Funí have. I can hear it starts to talk to me telepathically.

"Did you come to save us all?", it asks me. "Who are you and why do you need saving?", I respond and try to find out more. "He keeps us as pets. We never get to fly free. My brothers and sisters are still in his vault. The birds are there too. Please help us!", it begs and continues shortly, "my name is Fornax, like the goddess of furnace."

"It is nice to meet you, Fornax", I say to her, smile, and continue, "I will do everything I can to help you and your family.". I hug her, or at least press my body against hers. She looks calmer. "Are they friends?", she asks looking at the aircraft. "Yes, they are my family.", I tell her. She tells me where we are going and what we are going to see there. She is telling this to me and to the others in the aircraft. "Thank you for trusting me, Fornax.", I say and smile. She nods and we continue our journey.

Fornax told us that Surtr keeps the phoenixes and the other dragons in his vault, where he usually stays and counts his treasures. We won't get a surprise attack, but somehow, we need to get there and save everyone. Fornax also told us about the Fire Demons. They are dark, thin, and scary creatures that only show themselves to you, if they are about to kill you. "Let's hope that we don't meet any of them.", I thought to myself.

We were getting deeper into Muspelheim. Fornax asked me if I was ok, with the heat. I told her who I am, and she told me that in the past phoenixes and fire dragons used to live by each other. Phoenixes' tears could heal the dragon, when they were hurt by something or someone, and dragons used to be the ones that set the cinnamon trees in fire for phoenix to be reborn. But people were more afraid of dragons than phoenixes, and so they decided to drove the dragons away. They found a place to live in Muspelheim, but then the Fire Giants and Fire Demons slaved them. Now, they are just for riding or pets for them. Fornax is getting really sad. "I promise that we will free your family. You and your brothers and sisters will be free.", I promised her. I hug her again. And when I lift my head back up, I see the castle of Surtr. "There it is, my prison.", Fornax tells all of us. 

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