Chapter 4

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Next morning, I woke up from the floor. Last night, when we got to the compound, they showed me my room. I don't even know who they are, and they gave me a room. A place to stay, a place to sleep peacefully and safely. We got to the compound so late that we all went to bed. Nat brought me some clothes with this other woman, Wanda. She was nice to me. Like Nat, she was beautiful. Nat is little bit taller than I am and she has short bronze hair and green eyes. Her face looks like she is a model, and her body looks like she is an athlete. In the plane she was wearing really tight leather suit but now she has just normal jeans and sweater. She looks bad-ass but approachable, at least I felt like she is approachable. Wanda was different. She felt like a warm person. She has flaming deep red hair that ended in the middle of her back. Her eyes looked black, with reddish tint to them. She was wearing a white t-shirt under the red leather jacket. She had black pants and cool looking boots on her. They gave me some bathroom supplies like toothbrush and toothpaste, hairbrush, and towels. The bed was made, and it looked inviting. Nat and Wanda told me to get some sleep. Next day I am supposed to officially meet everyone in the team.

I climbed to the bed. I get under the blanket, and I don't think I have ever felt anything so comforting. I fell asleep so quickly that I wasn't even sure if Nat and Wanda had left the room. For a while I was sleeping calmly and safely. Then it popped up into my dreams. The skull with tentacles. They told me that it is a sign of Hydra. Organization that aims at world domination. In my dream, I see doc's face smiling at me. He is injecting something into me. I wake up screaming. I know I must have woken up someone. I heard footsteps behind my doors, and I think I hear Bucky and Steve talking outside my room. "She is seeing nightmares. It's normal after what she has been through.", Bucky tells Steve and continues, "I think we should let her be for now. I will stay here and keep her safe. You know I still can't sleep myself." Apparently, Steve agrees with Bucky because all he says is "You need to find a way to sleep too. You take tonight, tomorrow night I will stay here.". I hear Steve walking away and someone I assume is Bucky, sitting down next to my door in the hallway. I try to get some sleep in the bed but after sleeping on the ground or on a steel bed for so long I kind of got used to it. I take one of the pillows with me and go next to the bed on the floor. I lay down, put my head on the pillow and start to think. "Why would Bucky volunteer to guard my door. Is it for my protection or theirs?"

In the morning, after waking up from the floor, I look at the clothes that Nat and Wanda got me last night. I pull from the stack a black T shirt, some tightly fitted blue jeans that have few tears in the knee area. I put on some socks and the black sneakers that Nat gave me. I tie my hair up in a ponytail and do some morning routines that I can remember I had. I head out of my room. Bucky isn't outside my door anymore, maybe he thought that I am safe already or he didn't want anyone else to know that he stayed outside my door for the night. I hear noises downstairs and head to their direction. I think almost everyone is in the kitchen having breakfast. I walk to the kitchen door and first thing I hear is Bucky. "Good morning, doll.", he says with calm voice that is so different from the one I heard in the plane and behind my door last night. Everyone turns to look at me and I just say, "Morning.". Nat tells me to sit in between her and Steve, and she then stood up and brought me coffee, orange juice and some croissants. I look at the food and don't know where to begin. I see Bucky's metal arm from the corner of my eye when he brings me a tall glass full of water. Nat is asking him why he thinks I need water when there is coffee and orange juice in front of me and Bucky just says, "Trust me. After what she has been through, a glass of cold water has never tasted or will never taste so good.". I look at him while he is going back to his seat, and I take a big gulp of the water. He was right. Water has never tasted so good. I look at him, smile and see him smirking right back at me.

During breakfast I have met almost all of them, Avengers. I of course already knew Steve, Bucky, Tony, Nat, and Wanda. Now they have introduced me to so many people that I don't think I even remember everyone. Sam is the one with robotic wing suit. Bruce turns into Hulk when he is mad. Pietro is Wanda's brother, and he is really fast. Thor is the God of Thunder, and his brother Loki can use illusions to trick you. Wanda told me about Vision, and I think that she really likes him. The guy that was flying the plane, was Clint, but he is not there for some reason. Nat told me about Clint when I asked about the nice guy in the plane. They said that there are others too, but they are on their own missions. I think my head is full of information that is not going to stay in there for that long.

Suddenly someone asks me, what my powers are. Everyone is listening and expecting to hear something amazing. I keep thinking that it may not be a good idea to tell them. I see Wanda fixating on me in a strange way. I wonder if she can read my mind. "Yes, I can.", she replies to me without me asking anything. I realize that either I have to explain to her later or I can just tell them. "I think I have some sort of a fire power. I have no idea how I got it or how to use it. In the fortress I got scared and angry and then started to feel and see the flames. I haven't seen them since I escaped and I don't want to see them anymore.", I explain. "But that is so cool. I want to see it.", Pietro blurts. Tony answers quickly, "I think we need to talk with Hailey privately and figure out what this strange 'fire power' is." I look at Nat and she looks at me calmly. She tries to comfort me, "We will figure it out, don't worry."

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