Chapter 21

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It wasn't easy to calm Bucky down after I got back to the compound with Thor and Loki. He and Nat were both extremely concerned when I disappeared. Finally, I managed to convince Bucky that I am fine, and I don't need to be checked by Bruce. When we get everyone to calm down, Thor starts to tell us, what is been going on in Asgard. The reason why Steve couldn't get hold of them was that there were problems in the Nine Realms and Thor and Loki have been on a peace-making trip through the realms. When they returned to Asgard our father wanted to speak with his children in private. That's why I felt the pain and was able to transport to where they were. During our story, Thor told out loud, what our father had said about this grandchild. "Wait, what? We are having a girl?", Bucky stops Thor. He looks at me and pulls me into a hug. "A little girl?", he whispers to me. "Yeah.", I smile at him. "Okay, I have a question.", Wanda says, "How did you have time to get your hair done? It looks great by the way." Me, Wanda, and Nat all laugh.

After we have talked about everything, Thor asks to talk to me and Bucky. Loki also joins the conversation. "I know that this is your home now, but I was hoping that you two would return to Asgard with me and Loki. I don't say that you should stay there forever. I just wish that you will return with us to tell our people about their kings passing.", Thor tells us. I look at Bucky and he nods. "We will be there, but we will return here as soon as everything is good there.", Bucky says. Thor and Loki both shake his hand. Bucky looks at me and says, "Maybe you should lay down and rest a little bit. You have had an eventful day.". I look at him and nod. "Only if you will stay close to me during that rest.", I say to him and he responds instantly, "Wouldn't have it in any other way.".

Suddenly I realize that there is something else to tell my brothers. "I think there is something else to tell you too. We are getting married.", I tell Thor and Loki, and hold up my hand with the ring. "They already know.", Bucky tells me. I look at Thor and Loki, and they are both smiling. "Did you really think that I would propose, without asking your brothers permission first?", Bucky asks me. I am delighted about the old-time charm that he has. But at the same time, I am a little offended that he thinks that my brothers' permission is needed in this matter. I almost get to start my speak of being offended, but Bucky continues, "I don't think that we need their permission to get married, but I thought that they will appreciate the deed. I would be fool if I thought that you don't control your life yourself." I kiss him. "I think that you have been trained well.", I tell him, and my brothers start to laugh.

Me and Bucky leave Thor and Loki to return to the others and tell them that I need to rest. We agreed that we will stay at the compound for few hours and then start our journey to Asgard. Finally, after everything I get to lay down on my bed and curl up next to him. He wraps his arms around me, and I just want to fall asleep right next to him. I close my eyes and everything that we were told and shown today, start to race through my mind. I have just lost my father. I know he wasn't there when I was growing up, but he was still my father. There are still things that I don't understand. If I have been lost for centuries, where have I been all this time? If I never really spend that much time in Muspelheim, have I been in Midgard all this time. Great, now Thor and Loki have made me think like an Asgardian. I am now talking about Earth as Midgard. And why did Surtr wanted me as a payment for Odin's actions? Are there still somethings that I don't know about me?

We slept for few hours. Well, I slept for few hours and Bucky stayed awake like always. Then we heard a knock on the door. Bucky told them that the door is open. Loki opened the door. "We need to leave. Thor contacted Heimdall and he will open the Bifrost in half an hour.", Loki tells us. We pack some clothes and stuff in a bag and Bucky throws it on his back. We change clothes and then go downstairs to say goodbye to everyone. Soon it's time to leave. I hold Bucky's and Thor's hands. Loki is between Thor and Bucky and hold their hands. I feel a burst of air and the Bifrost takes us.

In only few moments we are in Asgard. The first person that we see is Heimdall. He is tall man that is holding a huge sword. On his waist he is carrying a horn. He looks at me with his mesmerizing eyes. Thor has told us that Heimdall has some sort of super senses. He can see in dark and hear even grass growing. "Welcome back your highness!", he says and bows to me. "What? You don't need to do that. Really. Hi, nice to meet you. I am Hailey and this is Bucky, my fiancé.", I respond to him.

"I am sorry, but I have known you by different names. Halla of Asgard, Odindottir, the protector of the phoenix fire, bringer of peace, mother of fire dragons, and, of course, the goddess of elemental powers.", he says to me while smiling. "Wait what? I know about the phoenix part, but bringer of peace, mother of fire dragons, goddess of what... What does that have to do with me? Am I supposed to do all of this? And what about the powers, what does that mean?", I ask him immediately. He still keeps smiling at me and only says, "Welcome back to Asgard, maybe you will find all the answers here.".

I look at Bucky and he looks as confused as I am. Then I look at Thor and Loki, and they look also confused. But they know better that start to argue with Heimdall. "We bring news from Midgard.", Thor says to Heimdall. "I have already seen the passing of our leader. You all are waited at the palace.", he answers to Thor. We are picked up by some of Thor's friends. They help us into a boat looking airship and we fly to the palace. The whole boat ride, I am nestled against Bucky, and he has is arm around me. We are looking at the views and I am mesmerized. Is this Asgard? It is more beautiful than I could even imagine. When we get closer to the palace, Loki taps me on my shoulder and tells us to look forward. I see the palace. I see the town made of gold. It is shimmering in the sunshine. "Welcome home, sister.", Loki and Thor say to me. 

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