Chapter 22

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It took some time to settle in the palace. On the first day, Loki showed us around. As the heir to the crown, Thor had some official business to handle. We walked around the premises, and after the tour, Loki took us to see the fire dragons and the phoenixes. As soon as we got near the phoenixes, one of them flew to us and settled on Loki's shoulder. "I have been keeping them company since you haven't been here yet. Hope you don't mind, sister.", Loki tells us. I smile at him and shake my head. Funí is also now sitting on Bucky's shoulder. I smirk at them and say, "So, this is how it's going to be? Am I the third wheel?". Funí lets out a sound that feels like an invitation to others to join us. It only takes few seconds for us to see a flock of phoenixes to fly up in the air. One of them is hovering in front of me. It is a beautiful female phoenix. I don't know if it is the connection of the phoenix fire or if I just understood what she wanted, but I followed her. "Don't step in there. They don't want anyone to enter. Thor and I already have some scars to prove it.", Loki warns me.

I don't listen to him; I just walk into their nest. The nest is protected by threes that only let some light inside. There are several smaller nests in their home. Loki and Bucky are looking around at the phoenixes, just to make sure that they don't attack me. I know it is not necessary. The phoenixes are all calmly sitting on something or flying in air. I gasp loudly. "Are you ok?", Bucky asks me. I have just seen the most beautiful sight. There are three tiny little phoenixes in a nest. I look to my left and see two more with their mother. When I look around, I can see that there are several female phoenixes guarding their nests. There are eggs and little cute fiery red bird-babies in the nests. I start to cry from the happiness that fills me. They are finally safe and can live in peace. I hold one of the babies in my hand. The baby's mother tells me that it is ok, to show the baby to the others. I step out and see that Thor has joined us.

"There is so many new babies in the nest. That's why they won't let you guys in.", I tell them smiling and showing the baby to them. "That has to be the second cutest thing I have ever seen in my life.", Bucky says. "What do you mean 'second cutest'?", I ask, and he just responds, "Well, I have you in my life, doll.". He smirks at me, and I can feel myself blushing. Thor and Loki both just stare at me. "There are also eggs at the dragon's home too.", Thor tells me, after I have taken the baby back to its mother. "Are you serious? Can we go there now?", I ask him. "Whatever you wish my sister.", Thor answers while laughing.

While we are walking to see Fornax and her family, Thor tells us about the coronation ceremony. He will be the king soon and I am officially introduced to the people of Asgard. We also start to talk about the titles that Heimdall used. Loki and Thor were as confused as I was. We all knew that my name here is Halla Odindottir, and we knew about the protector of phoenix fire. None of us knew what 'the bringer of peace', 'mother of fire dragons' or 'the goddess of elemental powers' meant. "I can somehow understand the whole 'mother of fire dragons' thing, but what peace am I supposed to bring and what are the elemental powers?", I ask the guys. "Elemental powers can refer to the elements of the nature, like fire, air, water, and earth...", Bucky starts. Thor and Loki are both looking at him baffled. "What?", Bucky asks them, and he seems a bit annoyed. "I apologize my reaction! I just didn't know that you have knowledge of the elemental believes.", Thor said.

The conversation ended shortly because I started to feel the warmth from the dragon flames. "Why is it so hot in here?", Bucky asks. I remembered that Thor said something about dragon eggs, and it makes total sense to me. "They are keeping the eggs warm, right?", I said out loud. Thor nodded. "No one really knows how long dragon eggs take to hatch. Because dragons haven't been around people in centuries, the knowledge has also disappeared. We were hoping that the scientist from the palace could have observed the eggs, but the dragons don't really trust anyone. Loki and I have been the only ones that have even seen the eggs close, but neither one of us has even get to touch an egg. Suddenly I hear a familiar voice inside of my mind. "The trust must be earned back.", Fornax informs us telepathically.

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