Chapter 6

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It took me about few seconds to gather my things from the dressing room and to run into my room. I really didn't care at that moment, who saw me coming from the showers with wet clothes on me. Still, luckily, I didn't see anyone. I am trying to dry myself with towels and after that I change to some jeans and a t-shirt. Still hand drying my hair with my towel, I hear a knock on my door. Please let it be anyone but Bucky. I am not ready to see him. "It's open.", I yell and Nat and Wanda step in. "Hi, what can I do for you?", I ask them. They look at each other and look back at me. Almost in unison they say, "We are going shopping. Now!".

When we get into the car, they explain that Tony is having a party that night. He wanted to celebrate that no one died on the mission. "What? He throws party because no one died. How often do you have these 'no one died'-parties?", I wanted to ask, but I just realized that Nat drives like a race car driver. We are at the mall.

We were trying on some party clothes, and I find this perfect looking dress. I am pretty petite, so I normally shop at girl's department, so I have never worn anything like this. After the changes in my body, I apparently can finally use women's clothes. The dress I found, is fire engine red, with one shoulder strap on right shoulder. It fits my body like a glove. It is hugging every curve on my body and the hem is flowing in the middle of my thigh. I don't normally wear dresses, that are this short, but I really felt confident and sexy. With the black heels and handbag and gold earrings and necklace, I am feeling good. I show my outfit to the ladies, and I get huge compliments from them. I look myself in the mirror and realize, that everything was too good to be true. How am I going to get this dress? I don't have any money. I have spent quite some time in a secret fortress as a prisoner and it's not like they gave me money for my troubles.

Nat and Wanda see my face chance from smile to disappointment and ask, "What's wrong?". I start to explain that I don't have any money and Nat takes from her pocket a credit card that has name on it, 'Tony Stark'. "Before you ask, I didn't steel it, Tony wanted us to have some fun and get new clothes.", she explains. I am smiling and secretly thinking, what are the other guys going to say about my new outfit.

After shopping we get some lunch. I am still tired of the run in the morning so food sounds really good right now. During lunch out of nowhere Wanda asks me about the guys, "So Hailey, have you met anyone interesting at the compound yet?". I almost choke on my pasta. "I really haven't thought about that.", I started, and I could feel my cheeks blushing. Nat smiled. "Does she know?", I thought to myself and suddenly Wand asks, "Does she know what?". Hold on, is she reading my mind again? She nods and I can feel myself sinking into the chair. I start to tell them how I met Bucky before, at the showers. They are both laughing, and I feel embarrassed. "Well, we know now who the dress is for, don't we?", Wanda says, still smiling at me. I try to say that I am not interested in Bucky, but they are not having it. The whole drive back to the compound they keep mentioning Bucky and the shower incident. I am drowning my face into my hands. The way to the compound felt at least ten times longer. I get back to my room. Nat told me that the party starts at nine, so I had few hours to wander around the compound, before I need to start getting ready.

On my wandering journey, I bump into Steve and Sam. We start talking about the party and they tell me little bit more about themselves also. Steve told me that he and Bucky were old buddies, and they were in the army together also. Sam has also some military background, but sort of from the air force. In the middle of Steve's story, I realize that he is talking about the second World War. "Wait a minute", I interrupt him, "You are telling me, that you and Bucky were fighting in the second World War?". I knew he was old enough, but now it really hit me. To think about it, they never explained to me, how that is possible. He sees my confusion and I get a recap of how everything is possible. Freezing bodies, Bucky being an assassin for Hydra and so much more. My mind is blown away. I have been talking with them for a while and I now realize that I have to get myself ready for the party. "I really want to hear more stories, but I really have to go get ready. See you guys at the party.", I say to them and walk to my room. Inside my room, there is Nat and Wanda with makeup, hair products and annoyed faces. "Where have you been? We were worried that we don't have enough time to get ready together." Wanda says, with concerned look on her face. I laugh and take a champagne glass from Nat. I take a sip and ask, "So, from where do we start?". I have never had girlfriends like these two. We have so much fun getting ready and around nine o'clock we are looking good and ready to party.

We walk together to downstairs. Nat is wearing this black and white dress that looks amazing on her. Her short bronze hair and brightly painted red lips pop out. She goes to the bar and mixes us some drinks. Wanda decided to keep her hair straight and open. She looks great in her black, long-sleeved dress that ends at her mid-thigh. She is wearing golden heels and gold bracelets. The simple and peaceful nature of her outfit suits her personality. I am still feeling good in my new dress. Nat helped me curl my hair and create the perfect hairdo with some hair tied up and some hanging freely. I got a drink in my hand, my new friends next to me and I am ready to have fun. I don't even remember, when was the last time that I was having fun.

I take a sip from my drink and look around the room. I stop when I notice Bucky staring at me. He has cut his long hair shorter. He looks. Actually, without better words, he looks hot! And only thing my mind can think is: "Oh my god, here we go again!". I turn to Nat and Wanda, and they are smirking at me. "Go to say 'hi!' to him", Wanda suggests. I take a sip of my drink, and before I even have time to turn around, I hear someone behind me, whispering into my ear with deep but soft voice, "You are looking good, doll.". I gulp silently and turn around. There he is, Bucky, in his stunning suit. And only thing I get out of my mouth is "You cut your hair." 

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