Chapter 15

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Fornax helps me into the aircraft and stays close to make sure if she can help us somehow. I get in and they all stare at me. "So, it's not enough to have a phoenix as a pet, you need a dragon too? I thought that we could get a dog or something but, I guess not.", Bucky jokes. "First of all, Funí is my companion, and secondly Fornax is my friend. But if you like, you can go outside and tell her that you called her pet. Trust me, it might burn little bit more than my flames.", I say as sassy as I can. "Why didn't you tell me that fire dragons come from Asgard?", I ask Thor and Loki. They look at each other and I see a little shame on their faces. "Odin ordered all the dragons to be driven away, to keep our people safe. To be honest, I remember playing with the dragons when we were younger. We used to make bonfires with Loki and this little dragon set them in fire.", Thor tells us. "His name was Kenna.", Loki says and smiles. I think that Fornax has been listening to us telepathically because suddenly she says, "Kenna is my brother, he is in the castle.". Loki and Thor look at each other and realize that they have to save the fire dragons.

We divide our group. I go with Bucky, Steve, Nat, and Thor. Loki, Wanda, Pietro, Bruce, and Barton form another group. Tony, Sam, and Vision go together. We all get outside of the aircraft. The ground is covered in ash. At some points, the ash is even covering the magma rivers. We all agree that we should be careful. Fornax is flying near with Funí. We get to the castle. It's good that Tony had made the freezer-thingies because I don't think that the others would have lasted that long in this realm without them. They are still struggling, but none of them want to go back. We decide that all the groups should find their own way in. "Keep talking, but silently. We need to make sure that we still have connection with each other, if we get caught.", Tony says. "Ok, let's go!", Steve says.

Tony, Sam, and Vision start to search an entry point from the air. Our group takes the right side of the castle, and the third group goes left. It doesn't take us long to find a door, but I am not that sure if we should enter. I convinced Fornax to follow Wanda's group, and now I am regretting it. She could have told us where to go. But then I remember, Funí, who is with us, has also been there. With his guidance, we find another way in. It's this little crack on the wall. We all squeeze us through that little opening and find ourselves on the side of the entry hall. We are hidden, and soon I realize there is a trap behind the door that we first found. "Glad we didn't go through that.", Steve says. He then continues to the earpiece, "Watch where you go, there are traps in the castle.".

We have been sneaking around for quite some time, but still haven't seen anything. Suddenly I see Bucky freeze still in front of me. "What...", I start but he puts his hand on my mouth, pushes mine and his body to the corner. Everyone else takes cover also. From the doorway comes a creature that I have never seen. It was as tall as Thor. It would have reminded me of a tall, muscular human, but in its head, it had horns. Its body was covered in what I thought was ash. From the golden pillars that held the roof up, I can see its reflection. Its eyes and mouth are just holes, and from those holes emits fire. It is not covered in ash; its whole body is ash and fire. I gasp, but luckily Bucky is still holding his hand on my mouth. If we weren't in such a dangerous situation, this could be very naughty position. I look at Bucky and he notices my stare and I think he knows, what I am thinking, because he then winks at me.

Suddenly the creature stops and looks around it. It must not have seen us, because it leaves the room just like it entered it, calmly. "That was a fire demon.", Thor explains us. He then tells us, "The first fire demons are said to be elves that were consumed by their fascination of fire. Their bodies are almost entirely magma, so if you meet one, dodge.".

We finally find Tony, Sam, and Vision. They haven't found anything yet. The others on the other hand have. They tell us to get to the lower floors of the castle. We start to make our way there, but suddenly there are fire demons everywhere. We wouldn't have noticed them if Funí wouldn't have screeched. We huddle up and now we are surrounded by these creatures that look like they could make some serious damage if it touches us. I stand between Thor and Bucky. They both look at each other and start to fight the demons. Thor manages to kill two of them with some lightning. Bucky has already killed two also with his guns. Now they are both trying to basically carry or drag me to safety. I use my powers to lift myself up and with a blast of pure fire, I killed three of the demons, and the other demons turn to me, looking surprised. I get back to the ground, I held my head down, and I feel burst of fire inside of me. That burst is shortly showing outside of my body as well. I lift my head, look at the rest of the demons and shout out with deeper voice than I normally have, "Who's next?".

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