Chapter Two

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"No!" I shouted. "It's not the right voice!"

"But it was pretty, how is she's not the one?" Rukia asked.

"She has a good voice, but think about it... Her voice doesn't match up with your drum or my guitar and what about Aoi?" I said.

"... But it been two weeks." Rukia said.

"I can't forget the way she was playing the bass, I can't give her up, I'm sure she'll choose us in the end, I'm positive about it." I said full confident.

"You're always overconfident, what if she reject us?" Rukia said as she's trying to catch up with me as I walk fast to another live house. I stopped and turned to her with a proud smile.

"She'll join us, you'll see." I said

"Th-Then can we please take a break, I'm tired of walking in and out from every live house, look, this is a great diner we can take a break in." Rukia said.

"No way, let's go to another one." I said.

"Why?" Rukia asked and pointed at the sign. Pork meat. "Oh, I forgot how much you hate pork meat, then let's go to that one." Rukia pointed at the end of the corner is cake shop... Mmm... Cake! Cake! My favorite food in the world. I put my hand inside my pocket... Huh? I gasp... I don't have any money.

"No way, we need to find the vocalist as soon as possible." I said.

"My treat." Rukia said. I smiled brightly at her.

"Deal!" I said and Rukia quickly dragged me inside the cake shop. I'm happy, so happy. I didn't eat cake for a while. "Choclate cake, vanilla fruits cake and strawberry cake."

"I knew that was a bad idea." Rukia said and deeply sigh. "But who care, at least I finally got break." I started eating choclate cake happily.

"You know, if you're tired you can go home and I'll find our vocalist." I said and finished the choclate cake, and started to eat the vanilla fruits cake.

"I can't leave you, I want to be there when we find her." Rukia said.

"Alright." I said, suddenly Rukia cell phone rang.

"Hello?... Aoi?" When Rukia mentioned Aoi name my heart jumped, there was silence, then Rukia smiled. "Really? Where are you? Alright, bye."

"W-W-What did she say?" I said full with frustration.

"She. Accept!" Rukia said.

"Yay!" I said and shoved the last cake inside my mouth. "Where's she?!"

"...At the park." Rukia sadly said. "It's pretty far away from here.'' She said and paid for the bill and we got out from that heaven.

"Who said? I hope that route didn't change, we'll be there in fifteen minutes if we take it." I said.

"What type of route?" Rukia asked. I title my head from left to right and grabbed her hand and dash to the bushes. "Waaa... Wait!"

"Dodge then jump." I said and she did and we land at old geezer house.

"Hey what--" I quickly cupped her mouth.

"Sh... This is the old geezer Sam house, he has an evil dog." I whispered and walk slowely.

"Grrr..." An unpleasant voice said, Rukia sighed and I turned around slowly. That evil dog.

"Run!" I shouted at Rukia, but she ran to the dog and cuddle him.

"What a beautiful dog, so cute, so cute." Rukia said. What a disgusting creatures, they're all barbarians. I grabbed Rukia from her shoulders and dash quickly to the bushes and from the bushes to another house, I climbed the tree and jumped up high and stopped.

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