Chapter Three

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The next day I woke up and head outside early to the cafe, before I go there I went to cake shop and as I thought. "I'm completely lost." I said. Oh there's a man with scarf around his neck, wearing sunglass and a cap. Weird, it almost like that he's suspicious. I'm tired... It's because I lied to Akio and said that I'm going home (the only place I don't get lost from) and I went out searching for our vocalist, but no use and then I only slept two hours and woke up early to not be late. I hope I'm not sick.

I walked to the man and tapped his back since he's tall, when I did that he startled at what I did and slowly turned to me. So big, I wonder how old he is? "Excuse me." I politely said.

"Y-Yes." He said quietly.

"Are you lost? You look troubled." I asked. Stupid, I'm the one who should ask, but I can't help it, I want to help him.

"Um, do you know who I am?" The man asked.

"Uh, no, but if you want we can talk, I'm Shuri, nice to meet you." I said with smile. The man looked at me with surprise.

"Call me Ryo, nice to meet you too." Ryo said.

"Alright, Ryo, are you lost or something?" I asked.

"Actually I'm looking for the cake shop, I want to buy chocolate cake for... My friend." Ryo said.

"Oh, I'm sorry, but choclate cake is sold out." I said, Ryo sighed with disappointed. "Um, if you really need one you can take mine." I handed him my chocolate cake. I really want to eat the cake and I told the bakery to write my name on the cake, but I guess he really want the cake more, I should give it to him.

"Really?" Ryo said with happy tone. I cheerfully smiled at him.

"Of course, no problem, I only bought it to eat it, you can have it." I said.

"Thank you very much." He said and then kissed my head and ran off, but before he disappear he turn to me. "That's a thanks, you really saved me, turn on your tv at channel seven at nine p.m, you'll see a surprise." with that he ran off. I wonder who he was? And at channel seven? I wonder.

"Shuri, there you are! I knew you would be here." A voice out of breath said. I turned to see Rukia there.

"Oh, Akio, just few minutes a man name Ryo asked me to the direction to the cake shop because he wanted to buy chocolate cake, I told him that it sold out and he sulk, so I gave him my cake." I said. Rukia slapped her forehead and turned to me.

"Don't tell me you naively told him your name?" Rukia said, I nodded my head and Rukia sighed. "How many times I told you to not tell a stranger you just met your name, what if he was dangerous, and Ryo seriously?! I'm sure that's not his name."

"I'm sorry, I forgot." I said and Rukia grabbed me from behind dragging me away.

"Let's go, we're going to be late." Rukia said.


"So, we're still looking for vocalist and guitarist, so where should we search?" Aoi said.

"Well I search every bar and live house in this area and I couldn't find any." I said.

"Excuse me." A girl with ghostly pale skin said. She has a long brown hair that reach to her shoulders and has sharp expressionless purple eyes, almost make me scared. "What do you want to order?" Oh, she's the waitress.

"Um, milk and vanilla cake." I said.

"Coffee please." Aoi said.

"Same here." Rukia said.

"So, as I was saying, where could we find a vocalist, I searched in every inch in this city." I said. We kept thinking until my mind explode. "I give up, I'm already tired, I've searched everywhere and I couldn't find a place, yesterday I've listening and searched like a wild animal for that voice but no use." The ghost-y girl came and put our orders.

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