Chapter 20

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She had said the words that had broke the barrier of her memories... and her destructive powers.

"I love you Loki" Kerry mumbled before she brought her soft lips against mine.

Yes my dear, you haven't known how long I've waited to hear those words from you.

I had just stared to enjoy the rare passionate kisses from her when she pulled back in a gasp of pain.

Well, good things can't last forever.

Her eyes were blank as she stared off into the world of her memories. She then blinked and stared at me with the life back in her eyes.

"I know what to do." She said confidently.

I smiled. That's my girl.

She graciously stood up, the claw marks on her back seeming like nothing to her. She closed her eyes.

Jormungand held an unconscious Thor in his tail, waving him back and forth to see if he was still willing to fight.

Kerry started to summon her powers and she remembered how to use them. A green-blue light began to swirl around her and making her glow.

In a flash she used her magic to form into her black battle clothes, her hands spread out revealing her sharp dragon-like claws. Her once brown long hair had turned black and flowed violently in the swirl of magic.

Kerry opened her piercing yellow and green eyes, taking a quick glance at me before flying into the air at the speed of sound, straight towards Jormungand.

I shivered. I had never gotten use to those eyes when she had first turned into that form.

Jormungand didn't even notice Kerry as she flung back her clawed hand, gathering some of her magic, and brought it crashing down on Jormungand.

Jormungand noticed the attack too late as the blade of energy sliced the side of his face. He hissed out in pain retaliating back, but Kerry attacked again using her actual claws this time as she violently struck him down. Her claws tearing through his thick scales. Jormungand screeched in even more pain as dark blood erupted from the deep wounds.

I couldn't help but be surprised. Even with her powers back, she had decided to use her most final and most powerful form. Lady Darkness.

She was dangerous.... dangerously beautiful.

I grunted as I tried to get up but the gashes in my body didn't allow it.

"Darn Fenrir..." I gasped. "I would say I am proud of you but..." I coughed painfully. Jormungand cried out in pain again as there was a clash.

"Where is that elixir that I saved?" I mumbled as I searched through my pockets with my unhurt arm.

I froze as a dark shadow spread over me.

There stood Fenrir with blood running down his face, his fur matted dripping wet. He was growling furiously, a vengeful fire flowing in his only eye left.

"You think I could of been so easily defeated?" He snarled viciously. "I AM FENRIR-!"

Blood splayed everywhere before Fenrir got to finish his sentence as Lady Darkness stabbed her claws into Fenrir's neck. Fenrir hacked and coughed as blood gashed onto the bridge.

I stared at her with my eyes opened wide in surprise, she had appeared out of nowhere. She stood there, staring coldly at Fenrir. She stretched out her hand and Fenrir yelped and crouched in fear at her movement.

She mumbled a few words as she shot a blast of magic at Fenrir. After the light had gone, there were tight chains with spikes wrapped around Fenrir body.

"Don't worry, it's a binding spell." She said emotionlessly. "If you even think about escaping, the chain will grow stronger and the spikes will grow into your flesh."

Fenrir trembled terribly. Lady Darkness blinked. "Oh yes..." she continued as if she forgot something.

She stabbed her hand into Fenrir flank, making him howl in pain, and after some digging around, took out her hand. Inside her clawed hand held the Moonstone which Fenrir had swallowed earlier.

It's power started to swell in her hand, making the wind kick up. She closed her eyes as he held out one hand to Fenrir and the other towards Jormungand, who floated lifelessly in the water.

The Moonstone floated in the air in front of her as she opened her closed fists, and in a bright flash made Fenrir and Jormungand disappear. The Moonstone fell to the ground with a clank against the bridge.

Lady Darkness stood there for a moment, eyes still closed, as she dispelled her powers. And in a flash of magic she returned to her normal form.

Kerry opened her warm brown eyes.

I stared at her in awe. Speechless for once.

She walked over to me and knelt down besides me, wrapping her arms around my head and resting her forehead on mine.

"Are you ok?" she asked softly. "Did I scare you again with that form?"

I blinked, and smiled comfortingly. " I'm fine, you did good. But... what did you just do to them, with the Moonstone?"

"I teleported them back to we're they belonged." She replied.

"What?!" I gasped in shock. "And you did it just like that?! Do you even know how hard it is to do that between realms?"

She laughed and shrugged. "It just happened..." She closed her eyes and she rested her head on my shoulder.

My skin tingled as she breathed softly on my neck.

I brought my hand over her shoulders. "Kerry?" I said softly. She didn't reply confirming she had passed out on me.

"I don't blame you." I murmured to her. "You had just summoned a large amount of your powers after so many years. Rest my queen."

I closed my eyes in satisfaction as warm pride wielded up in me.

She had done it, she had defeated them. She was mine once again.

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