Chapter 18

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By the end of the next week, Cassidy had gained strength and weight. She was able to eat considerable portions, but she was still limited to how much food she ate each day. Bucky never left her side for all of it. He helped with everything, even having her wear one of his sweatshirts he had packed just for her. The shirt had swallowed her because of her thin body, but the happiness he saw in her eyes made it worthwhile. She slowly began smiling more, and it became Bucky's mission to try and get her to smile as much as possible.

She easily regained her stubbornness, wanting to get back to normal as quickly as possible. She pleaded with everyone to let her try to walk, but that was quickly shot down. After being unable to walk for over two months, Cassidy's legs were weak and unable to hold her up for long, and she kept trying to walk on her own. So the doctors and team refused to let her walk going so far as to monitor her, which infuriated her at times, even causing a shouting match between her and Tony. But she was allowed to do exercises with a doctor, not to mention some meetings with another doctor to work through her trauma properly.

Bucky did everything he could possibly do with her. Bucky slept with her every night, holding her through the vivid nightmares that tormented her. She felt so vulnerable and pathetic those times, but Bucky was always there to comfort her and remind her that she was no longer under Hydra's rule. He loved to carry her around on his back so she was not confined to the wheel chair entirely. Cassidy became helplessly addicted to cuddling, wanting to cuddle Bucky in some way constantly and he happily obliged.

Cassidy also suffered from panic attacks that varied at times. Bucky found her numerous times huddled in dark corners that she had dragged herself to, whimpering and hyperventilating or just sitting on the bed staring into space and being unresponsive. He rolled with the punches and did what he had to to help her. Sometimes it was simply sitting next to her and waiting for her to initiate touch, or holding her tight to reassure her he was really there, or sneaking her some brownies to distract her, or kissing her forehead as she crumbled before him and slowly smothering her with kisses, or he softly and lowly sang to her, or he softly wiped tears away. It broke his heart to see her this way, her cries, screams, whimpers, breathing, and silence tormenting him; affecting Bucky as much as it affected Cassidy. He wished he could take it all away, so that she never had to cry.

Some of the team spent time with the recovering Avenger before going back to the compound. Wanda, Sam, Natasha, and Steve were the ones that stayed the rest of the time before they all traveled back to the states. Natasha and Wanda helped her with personal things like bathing and changing. Sam was there for her to joke with and lift her spirits. Steve was there for his best friends and to read to her. Bucky did mostly everything else.

The royal family and its people spoiled the small ginger. T'Challa gave her jewelry, his mother gave her clothes, Shuri gave her many gadgets and toys like her "Sneak Sneakers," Okoye gave her beautiful carvings from around Wakanda, and some others she had met gave her little tokens and gifts. Cassidy was immensely touched and hugged each and every one of them.

Cassidy and Bucky continued to talk about the time they were apart. Bucky had not wanted to pressure her into talking about it, but she insisted on it because her therapist said it helped her.

Right now was the day before they went home, and Cassidy was sitting on Bucky's lap while they were on one of the balconies watching the sun set on Wakanda.

"You know," Bucky softly spoke to her, "When you were...gone, I would cuddle with your clothes and pillow, and go into your room to smell your shampoo and perfume. Just to hold on to the smell of you."

"You used my shampoo once didn't you?" Cassidy fiddled with his shirt as a smile graced her lips.

"Maybe once," Bucky sheepishly smiled down at her.

"You always smell good," Cassidy mumbled against his neck.

"Do I now?"

"Yeah," Cassidy murmured, "Even after missions. You just smell good."

"And what do I smell like?" Bucky softly spoke as he realized Cassidy was becoming sleepy.

"I don't know," Cassidy yawned, "Leather, pine, and sunshine."

"Maybe I should be made into a candle," Bucky chuckled.

"I would buy it," Cassidy yawned again as she snuggled closer.

"You know what you smell like?" Bucky whispered, "You smell like vanilla, flowers, and rain. I would buy that candle."

"I would be a good candle," Cassidy's head drooped.

"Let's go to bed, doll," Bucky got up and carried her to bed.

Cassidy snuggled into his side as they lay down and quickly fell deep asleep. Bucky lay there for a while, running his hand up and down her back as the other held her hand. He felt like his heart was bursting at the seams for the love of her.

A Game Of Hide and Seek - A Bucky Barnes Short storyWhere stories live. Discover now