Chapter 7

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The interrogations lasted for weeks, and Cassidy counted each day. For a little over a month she had been taken, and she was miserable. She had tried to escape but it always failed, and she barely had the energy to keep trying. She was almost a shell now, but she somehow held on to reality. It was a fraying rope, but she held it together.

The beatings never seemed to stop, bruises seemed to be permanently on her skin that became paler everyday from the lack of sunlight and the guards had started using knives to slice her skin. Blood was dried on her clothes and body and seemed to ooze out of wounds without end. Her clothes steadily became bigger little by little because they rarely fed her. Her clothes were filthy and she soon got over her smelling bad. They even turned to waterboarding a few times when she really pissed them off, and Cassidy never hated water more in her life. She still held hope for rescue, she would continue to do that no matter what.

At night she would silently cry herself to sleep as she became plagued by nightmares so vivid and horrifying that she would wake up screaming, tugging at the metal restraints rusted by her blood. Her voice was now hoarse from screaming from her nightmares and the interrogations. Cassidy was sure that without the super soldier serum running through her she would have been dead by now from the torture.

She wished with all her heart to be wrapped up in one of Bucky's shirts while snuggling in his arms. She wanted to dance with him. She wanted warmth, it felt like such a thing taken for granted, she did not realize warmth to be a valuable thing. She wanted to be home while everyone bantered back and forth. She wanted to go back to that innocent paintball game and snicker over Sam being shot in the butt with pink paint. She wanted to eat. She wanted to sleep without waking up screaming and crying. She wanted to not be afraid of water. She wanted her soft bed instead of sleeping in painful sitting positions. She wanted to smell all the wonderful things in the compound instead of rust and blood.

She was desperate to get back and out of the mess she had been thrown into.

A Game Of Hide and Seek - A Bucky Barnes Short storyWhere stories live. Discover now