Chapter 3

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A week later they were in one of the training rooms of the compound. Tony had been secretly planning for weeks this game. The whole room was three levels, with interchanging obstacles. The room was the same multi-layered maze, but the challenges switched positions..

Right now they were picking teams. Tony as one captain and Cassidy was the other, mainly because Steve was still pouting and Tony liked her more.

"Ladies first," Tony smirked at her.

"Bucky," Cassidy called out.

"Of course she picks him!" Sam exclaimed, "The fricken assassin that is a marksman!"

"Quit being a baby, Wilson," Tony stuck his tongue out at him, "Rhodey."








"Wait a minute," Tony raised a finger and counted, "There is not an even number here. Thor is usually here for game day but is busy."

"You're right," Cassidy bit her lip before turning to Bruce, "Bruce, you wanna sit out on this one?"

"Oh thank God," Bruce exclaimed and hurried out, "I can supervise you kids."

"Let the games begin!" Tony shouted.

The floor now broke apart, separating the two teams. Then they were all separated individually. Cassidy was raised up to the third level and she proceeded down the dimly lit corridor. The AI system, Friday, switched the comms so that each team could be connected.

"So," Cassidy began, "How is everybody?"

"Just shut up and don't get shot Cass," Natasha muttered.

"Great, now you took my motivational speech," Cassidy snickered, "Come on guys I want to win."

Cassidy proceeded down the thin hallway, keeping her movements so quiet it seemed as if she was not there. She soon came to a crossroads, and she heard the movements of what only could be Rhodey. The sounds of his robotic legs to help him walk had a distinctive if almost rubbing sound.

Hiding behind the corner, she waited until her prey stepped out. He came closer and closer, but his movements had slowed down. He was military, he knew not to blindly walk. But Cassidy had an advantage, she knew which way he would check. Unlike most who check right to left, Rhodey checked left to right.

So when he was looking left, she would silently move behind him when he checked right. Slipping in undetected, she could fairly shoot him in the back.

As soon as she had run through the plan, Rhodey stepped out and proceeded to check left. Cassidy silently stepped behind him and moved exactly when he looked right. Rhodey ultimately decided to go into the right hallway.

As soon as he was a few feet away she quickly marked his back with a bright yellow splotch.

"What the heck!" Rhodey yelled, "Cassie?! How on earth did I not see you?"

"A soldier never shares her secrets, Rhodes," Cassidy smirked.

The lights suddenly kicked on and they both blinked against the now harsh light.

"Dr. Banner requires all Avengers to go to the conference room immediately," Friday's voice echoed around them.

"What is it Friday?" Cassidy knew Bruce would not interrupt the game for something small.

"A massive Hydra compound has been identified in the Rocky Mountains, Miss Sawyer," Friday responded, "You will be briefed on arrival downstairs."

Cassidy cursed under her breath, so did Rhodey.

"Must be big enough to warrant all of us immediately," Rhodey joined Cassidy's side.

"Yeah," Cassidy sighed, "Friday, bring us down."

"This will make a good story you know," Cassidy smirked, "Valiant war vet and Avenger taken down by a silent, paint slinging comrade."

"Haha very funny," Rhodey sarcastically laughed as they met the others on the floor.

Sam was splattered in pink paint, Wanda had a smear of bright green on her leg, and Vision had orange on his chest.

"Let me guess, Sammy," Cassidy sighed as they put their equipment down, "Buck or Natasha shot you with the pink."

"It was both!" Sam roared indignantly.

"I shot him first," Natasha sauntered by them as they walked to the conference room, "Shot him fair and square too."

"But he," Sam pointed at Bucky who was walking next to Cassidy, "shot me multiple times when he knew I was out!"

"Your screaming was funny," Bucky replied as he put his arm around Cassidy, "And for the record, I shot you from behind at first."

Sam huffed and rolled his eyes and went past them. Cassidy then noticed the stark pink paint that covered his butt.

"Really classy Barnes," Cassidy giggled into her palm.

"You should expect nothing less," Bucky whispered in her ear as they came into the conference room.

A Game Of Hide and Seek - A Bucky Barnes Short storyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon