Brother vs brother

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Haruhis pov

There was a what to seem a middle school boy asking me if honey could speak with him. Before I could get in the door mori with honey on his shoulders peeps out the door.

Mori looked unsettled while Honey cheerily greets the boy as Chika-chan.

The boy says "Prepare yourself Mitsukuni" and the two launch into combat much to my surprise.

Renge Houshakuji rises on her rig providing a play by play description of their battle.

Weapons emerge from out of nowhere and Chika slams Honey across the room using a metal pipe claiming victory until Renge declares Honey the winner the replay revealing his use of shuriken to shadow stitch Chika into the floor.

I learned that Chika is Honey's younger brother and that the Haninozuka family has its own unique brand of martial arts that they hone by insisting on family members competing any time they meet.

He also states that the heart of the Haninozuka technique is self restraint which as (y/n) points out doesn't seem to apply to the self indulgent Honey.

Chika says that this is why he will never recognize Honey as head of the family and wants him to steer clear of him at school. He departs and Honey is seen staring out the window in a forlorn manner.

"Well that's kinda rude" (y/n) said to him.

I asked if he's okay and Tamaki asks what they should do with the last piece of cake. Without missing a beat Honey happily declares "I'll eat it!" and swings Usa-chan about wildly.

I admit that every family has its issues but she doesn't understand why Honey chose the Host Club over the Karate Club a much more respectable organization.

The twins share the story of Honey's past when he was Captain of the Karate Club as a 1st-year Ouran Academy student.

Flash back

Honey as a 1st-year when because of his small stature his father is concerned he won't be respected as the eventual family patriarch and so instructs his son to cast aside all weakness and take hold of his true strength.

Honey agrees and tries to be a manly man crating away his toys adopting a tough attitude and giving up the sweets he loves.

While still Captain he meets Tamaki who entices him to join the Host Club by promising the adoration of girls stuffed animals and all the sweets he can eat.

Honey tries to resist without success especially after Tamaki defines "true strength" as completely being yourself. Honey then asks his father the definition the "true strength" which his father attempts to demonstrate in the dojo Honey landing his sparring partner in the hospital.

When the Secretary of State to Japan witnesses this he begs the boy to never use his martial arts at full capacity in public ever again. Worried that the international community would suspect Japan of harboring a weapon of mass destruction. That's when Honey quits the Karate Club and joins the Host Club and Honey's parents begin to raise Chika in a much stricter manner.

End flash back narrator POV

Upon hearing this tale Tamaki declares "Operation Haninozuka Brothers Reconciliation" in action.

The Hosts observe Chika in action through a window at his dojo where he serves as the current President of the Karate Club. Fawned over by fangirls and obeyed by his students the younger Haninozuka notices that both groups say that he's good but not as good as Honey.


Chika responds by being rude to the girls and even harsher with his students. When the twins saw this they analyze his reactions as evidence of an inferiority complex something in which they have no interest.

They scamper off and as Tamaki yells at them Honey arrives and says that it's fine as long as Chika-chan grows up to be strong and happy.

Chika emerges from the dojo and confronts the group outside and another family greeting-battle ensues with Chika calling Honey an "alien."

"Wait why is he a alien" (y/n) asked

When asked why Chika rants about Honey eating three cakes every night for dessert and even hosting a weekly midnight cakefest.

He further reveals that they used to get along until someone "brainwashed" Honey into thinking that true strength was being yourself. The twins openly blame Tamaki for Chika's current woes and Tamaki is mortified and fearful of his physical safety.

Mori finally steps in and says there is a way to resolve their differences.

Honey tells everyone that he appreciates Tamaki and the Host Club and that he's going to continue being himself but suggests to his brother that they resolve things like men in the Haninozuka style.

"Just don't kill you're brother" I told honey "I won't" he said with a smile.

Time skip

We were at broad field where the battle commences playing out the way their previous fight went down in reverse Honey with the pipe and Chika with the shuriken.

Mori discloses that "in every fight the two brothers have Chika uses the techniques that Honey used in the previous match thereby allowing his brother to practice those techniques."

He adds that "a little sibling rivalry is normal but confidently predicts that Honey will allow Chika to win." The outcome was Honey wins yet again with both Yasuchika and Mori "beaten down" the former physically and the latter emotionally.

The day concludes with Honey declaring that he's now going to have midnight cakefests three times a week. " aren't you gonna be sick" Haruhi asked "no it's only cake" he said.

As the sun sets on Honey and Usa-chan two philosophies are voiced Haruhi thinks to herself that Honey is a dreadful person because his love of cake exceeds his love for his brother while Tamaki reminds him that true strength means being yourself.

Honey sits in contemplation of these two ideas then discards both as he declares to Usa-chan "I love you!"


Word count: 1012
Date this was made: July 6

-📈 stonks

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