2 times the host

966 19 2

^ when they LIED ab a second season (tamaki)

Y/n's POV

We started to host and Haruhi seemed like she has been avoiding me all day. "Ok today we're changing it up, Twins are together honey and mori me and tamaki and Haruhi and (f/n)" he said.

'Damn you kyoya I'd you weren't my cousin I'd kill you' I told myself angryly.

We sat next to each other and she still wasn't talking to me. We had 4 girls we were hosting and one said "is something wrong" "no I don't think" Haruhi said.

"Well ok" the girl said with a smile. The girls and Haruhi kept talking and talking until another asked me "hey (f/n) do you want some cake?" 

"Uhh sure" I said cheering up a little I could tell Haruhi was avoiding me so got up and walked over to kyoya.

"Kyoya can I switch with you please" I asked begging him.

"Hmmm fine" he said getting up and pushing his glasses onto his face.

I sat next to tamaki and he begin talking to me and the other girls.

Haruhi POV

'Why did she leave..did I do something' I asked myself thinking of what I did.

Kyoya sat down and I kinda jumped because I wasn't expecting him to sit down.

"So Haruhi what we're you doing" he said with his little black book open and about to write things down.

"Well...I was going to chat with the girls and (f/n) but she kinda left" I told him nervous that he would add more yen to my debt.

"Um kyoya where is (f/n)?" One of the girls asked. "Me and him decided to switch for a little he will be back soon" he told the girl.

"Oh he's with tamaki should we go over there" one of the girls asked another "you seem to like (f/n) a lot" kyoya said.

"Well I like when (f/n) and Haruhi are hosting together" one said "I want to see what Tamaki and (f/n) are like" another said.

Kyoya POV

'It seems they like (f/n) a lot' "if you girls could pick you're best partner hosts who'd it be" I asked them.

"Of course Haruhi and (f/n)" they all said "and why is that" I asked again. "They make a good duo the shy one and the natural" they all said in excitement.

While all the girls where talking to each other about it I told Haruhi "sometimes it's you're actions not the words" then got up and left.

Haruhi POV

'The actions' I questioned the last bit of what he told me.

I saw kyoya telling (f/n) to go back to her table.

She came back and sat down "so girls what type of sweets would you like" she asked them.

F/n's POV

They all told me there type of sweet then I got up and went to go get them "I'll help you" Haruhi said getting up with me.

We walked over to the table and I grabbed what they wanted "sorry" she said to me "Mhm cool" she said back.

"I wasn't aware of my actions not my words" she told me again. "It's cool" I told her again "can you meet me later" she asked me "yea sure" I said back to her.

We walked back to the table and I severed the girls there sweets then kept talking.

Time skipppppppppp

Haruhi told me to meet her at her house I knocked on her door and she opened it quickly.

I took of my shoes and sat down, she sat infront of me and it was kinda awkward of a while.

"Why did you want to meet" I asked her stone coldly "I-I I'm sorry" she said again "I already accepted it" I said getting up to walk out.

"(F/n) wait!" She said as she grabbed my wrist "I-I I like you too...and I'm sorry I didn't say anything when you said it to me I didn't know how to act s-since I liked you as well" she told me.

I turned around and I couldn't tell if she was crying or just being quiet, I bented down and said "are you ok" she looked up at me and she was crying.

"Why are you crying" I asked her sitting down infront of her.

"I just didn't know how to tell you" she told me still holding onto my arm.

I grabbed her hand and put it in both of mine and said "it's ok you don't have to cry" with and smile she just laughed.

"You always know how to make people laugh when they feel down" she told me with another little laugh. "I guess I do have a way" I told her with a smile.

I hugged her and said "you look like you need this" she hugged me back and said "thanks".

We talked for a while about things then she said "hey do you want to stay for dinner?" "Sure" I told her "I'll help" I said again.

"No need" she said "stop being so polite" I told her. "Fine can you wash the vegetables" she said with a smile on.

While we were making dinner her dad came home and was excited I was there "oh I have missed you" he said happily.

"Haha same" I told him while eating he said "the air feels different" "hm really?" Haruhi said. "Yea did something happen" he asked us "no I don't think" I told him.

"Hmmm.... something happened to you two....are you dating!?!" He asked us. I almost choked on my food because I didn't think he'd say that.

"Uhh well dad.." she said "we kinda" "yes we're dating" I told him with a smile.

"Really??! I'm soo happy for you two" he said really excited and hugging both of us. "Ever since Haruhi was little she never like anyone even when she was in school" "really?" I asked him.

"Yes I'd always ask her why she would always say "I don't know" and other things but now she has a girlfriend it's a relief" he said to me.

"Haha thanks dad" she said sarcastically.

Time skip

I went to put on my shoes and she said "thanks for coming over" "no prop" I told her. I gave her a hug then walked out.

As I was walking she yelled out the door "text me when you get home" then closed it.

I laughed and kept walking.

Hi my frens :))

Word count: 1109
Date this was made: March 28

-cake kid

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