Chapter 37- LET'S DATE

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It was gradually growing cold as the month of October had already approached in Sourovitas. Zart checked the time on his wristwatch. He gave a light nod to himself as it was almost midnight and he stepped out of the shadows from the corner of the street.  

He was wearing a thin jacket as the air was crispy and brittle at night. He remembered every single word Oliandrin told him at the meeting after Fin left the room. Oliandrin stayed back at the academy with Fin because she needed him and Zart was here, outside the house of a drug dealer, because Oliandrin needed his help. And he was determined to do whatever he could to help catch that guy who killed Finiaroli's parents and best friend.

Zart quickly made his way to a small house while cautiously looking here and there. As he approached the doorstep of the house, he knocked lightly. He knew that the man he was about to see wasn't asleep.

He heard faint footsteps behind the door and he knew that the drug dealer was peeping through the peephole to make sure it was not his enemy knocking in the middle of the night at his door.

The door flung open and a thin, tall man emerged in the porch light with an expression of disbelief plastered over his exhausted face. 

"Zart?! Dude can't believe my eyes! It 'as been lon' time mate! Come in," he happily ushered him inside and Zart stepped in, closing the door behind him.

"You 'aven't changed a bit. Except for your looks. You look handsome now. But the persona is still the same. Dark and brooding. You still a man of few words," the drug dealer spoke as he poured the water into the glass and handed it to Zart who was sitting on a sofa chair and was intensely taking in the house structure.

"Thanks," Zart spoke as he took the glass of water. "How you have been, Froshid?"

"I am doing well. Not gonna lie, I miss you sometimes. You were a master in plannin' strategies to hide drugs from narcotics officers," Froshid spoke as he sat before Zart with a smiling face.

"I've left that life and that Zart behind...far behind," Zart spoke tonelessly and took a sip of lukewarm water.

"You are not smilin' never do...but I know you are 'appy to see me," Froshid spoke with his small smile.

"Of course, I'm glad. You were the closest person whom I could call a friend back in those days," Zart spoke stoically. He wasn't lying. He was happy indeed to see an old face who stuck to his side when his life was jumbled up. But Zart always had difficulty expressing his emotions. He never would smile or cry.

"I'm seein' you after a whole year. Where 'ave you been?" Froshid asked.

"I was in a different city. Just moved back to Sourovitas a few months ago," Zart replied after emptying the glass.

"The Zart I know won't drop by at a drug dealer's house without informing. What brings you here?" Froshid asked curiously.

"I'm here for serious business, Froshid." The way Zart's flat tone transformed into a grim one made Froshid eyebrows furrow as he leaned forward on his chair and folded his palms under his chin and spoke in a professional tone, "I'm all ears, pal."

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