Chapter 39- TEN AND FOUR

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A new villain is introduced in this chapter and this villain would come into the light in another book which I'll write after Fin and Oli's completion. Stay hooked ;) 


"You are lucky that boss is letting you stay here..or should I say letting you hide here," one of the smug-looking men spoke to Johbin. If Johbin hadn't been this helpless and defenseless, then he would definitely have shot the man to death for he was annoying him for the past two days and was continuously reminding him how he was at the mercy of their leader...their boss. He was running out of bullets and plans. He had nowhere to go. The police, his gang whom he betrayed by breaking the pact, and Oliandrin and his mates were looking for him. The cherry on top was that the leader of the child trafficking group was displeased with him. Displeased was actually a very small word to describe how agitated the leader was.  

"He is right," another man snorted. "You fucked up. Big time. Firstly, you failed to deliver that kid to the boss..secondly, you murdered four people. And then you pissed off your own gang mates by breaking the code. Man, you are pathetically messed up."

Before Johbin could open his mouth or his face could give away his irritation, the steel door of the small room, in which he was sitting, opened and a man with a gun came inside and spoke loudly, "Boss wishes to have a word with you, Johbin."

Johbin's palms started sweating and he gulped down his saliva several times as he followed the man to another room of the big safe house where he was hiding for the past few days. The thought of talking to the boss was scaring him. The boss was powerful. Nobody knew his name. Everyone referred to him by the name THE BOSS.

Johbin timidly sat on the small chair and in front of him was a table on which a laptop was lying open. The man behind Johbin pressed a button on the keyboard and moved back to the corner of the room and stood there with his gun tightly held in his hand.

It was a video call and Johbin glued his eyes on the screen and abruptly the video started. A man sitting in the dark came into view. Only his silhouette was visible.

"Johbin Sipiaj," The Boss began in his cold and calm voice which froze Johbin's blood. His voice held dominance and a strange kind of darkness. His voice was clearly giving away the fact that he wasn't the one to be messed with. And Johbin did the exact opposite. He messed up. Real bad.

"You failed me, Sipiaj. My men back at Hykins...their life is at stake...because of you. My network at Hykins is at stake...because of you," The Boss spoke so coolly as if he was talking about the politics over breakfast. But Johbin knew better. He was trying to maintain his cool when actually he wanted to cut Johbin's body into small pieces and scatter them on the ground for his big bulldogs to eat.

"Boss, I know-"

"You are of no use to me, plus you have fucked up my mind. Seems enough for me to kill you brutally," The Boss spoke with the same coolness.

"Boss I-"

"I'm aware that you are trying to find that little girl and her guardian for the past seven months but I can see no progress with that mission of yours," Boss interrupted, not letting Johbin speak. "You gave me your word that you'll clean this shit but you evidently couldn't. So you are off this task now. I'll send my men to kill that kid and her guardian. It's risky to sell that little kid now. They better be better be dead."

"NO! BOSS WAIT! I can fix this!" Johbin panicked terribly as he yelled.

" have been fixing for the past seven months," Boss mocked wearily.

"Give me fifteen days...just fucking fifteen days..and I promise I'll kill Pearl and Finiaroli with my bare hands. Just one last chance is all I'm asking. Please," Johbin had no shame in admitting that he was begging. After all, it was a matter of his life and death.

The Boss stayed quiet for what seemed like minutes. Johbin was dying with fear and anticipation. And all his fear was channeling into the hatred for Finiaroli. I will definitely make every inch of your body bleed, Finiaroli, before you beg for death.

"Ten days...I give you ten days...kill them and your 'good for nothing' life would be spared. If you fail, you'll be killed, Johbin Sipiaj," Boss spoke and gave no time to Johbin to utter some thankful words as he quickly ended the call.

"Ten days...ten days..ten days.." Johbin kept on muttering to himself as the man with the gun ushered him outside the room. "Ten days to go. Either I'll end up dead in these ten days or Finiaroli will go greet her parents in hell."


"We have just four days, Zart. Just four days. On the fifth day, there is the football match. I want to catch Johbin before the match so that Dixtril can play with a cool mind. She is very excited about this match and I don't want that murderer to ruin it for her," Oliandrin spoke and Zart nodded in understanding.

"But how will we locate the exact location of the safe house?" Dedrok asked in puzzlement. Currently, the three boys were in Oli's office while Fin was at the practice session.

"That drug dealer guy won't tell us a thing. We have to think of something that would work efficiently," Oli spoke with a thoughtful face.

"I...have...a...plan..." Dedrok spoke slowly and gingerly as if he was afraid of Oliandrin's reaction.

Zart narrowed his eyes at him while Oli just asked, "What plan?"

"I have been friends with Johbin, obviously. So I know him, obviously. I know that he must be dying to kill Finiaroli. He really must be. All we need to do is bait him to bring him out of that safe house," Dedrok said.

"And how exactly we will accomplish that?" Zart asked confusingly.

"Now that's a bit tricky and risky part," Dedrok spoke while beseeching his eyes.

"Just tell us," Oli said.

"If Oliandrin doesn't mind, I think his younger brother -Aric Wiziann- might be very helpful to us for this plan," Dedrok said, secretly taking pride in his plan.

"What do you mean? What junior Mr. Wiziann has to do with it," Zart asked, curling his lips in perplexion.

"I know what exactly Dedrok means," Oli spoke while keeping his eyes on Dedrok. "I hate to admit this but it's a brilliant idea. Risky but brilliant."

Dedrok beamed proudly at Oli's words while Zart just looked like a lost puppy.

"I don't understand, Mr. Wiziann," Zart said.

"We need to grab Johbin's attention. We need to lure him out of his den. And Aric's fame can help us to do so," Oli spoke and Dedrok gave him a knowing smirk.


Can you guess the master plan? Comment! I would love to read your guesses! 

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Until the next chapter xoxo

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