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Quick question- Do you want a separate book for Oli's friends i.e. Gab, Res, Les. Dane, Trivil, Basil, Vibriona, Nat & Bee. I mean kinda 'one-shots' book where you'll get to read about their stupid and funny adventures...and by adventure I mean they'll then and now land themselves into trouble, which they always tend to do, and will solve them with a comical approach. Do let me know if you are interested!


Happy reading :) Please vote :)  

"What exactly are you trying to say by the word problem?" Fin spoke in a calm tone, trying to mask the panic which started spiking inside her.  

All the heat, which was built some seconds ago due to an intimate moment, quickly evaporated as Oli fixed his eyes on Fin with concern. He mouthed 'What happen?' to Fin to which she raised her palm, indicating to him to let her talk first, and he nodded.

"I don't know how to tell you," Bugig spoke faintly and hesitantly.

"Just spit it out!" Fin yelled anxiously as panic swam to the surface of her head. Oli rubbed her back, trying to soothe her from all the tension which was eating her up. She shot a thank you smile to him to which he, again, nodded.

"Me and Pearl-"

"You and Pearl what?" She asked in an absolute panic.

"Well...we...errr...we did some serious damage to your perfectly designed kitchen."

"WHAT?!" Fin yelled, not able to understand the dynamic of Bugig's words.

Oli could feel his heart picking up its beating pace. Fin's face screamed trouble, and his mind floated back to the conversation that he overheard a few days ago. The conversation about her being in danger. His protective instincts instantly turned on as he frantically surveyed the surroundings through the car windows, making sure no one was stalking them.

"We tried to cook a new some experiments with the dinner...and we ended up burning your kitchen," Bugig scratched his head and gave a nervous chuckle.

Fin closed her eyes and her chest inflated as she drew in a deep breath. 

"You two are fine?"

"Yes, absolutely. Me and Pearl, all good...but your kitchen is far away from being good."

"I'll be there in twenty minutes. Save your ass--" she gave a dramatic pause and continued, "--if you can."

"What's wrong? Is Pearl alright?" Oli hastily darted the question at her.

"Ohhhhh I'll kill him," she gave a vexed laugh as she said so.


"He burned my kitchen. He burned my GODDAMN KITCHEN!" Fin yelled as those words sank deep into her brain.


"It's not about the kitchen, really. What if something would have happened to Pearl...or him? I don't know what's gotten into him lately. He needs some serious butt-kicking," Fin groaned loudly while frustratingly rubbing her forehead.

Oli knew that hilarity was creeping its way on his face, so he cleared his throat and gave his utmost effort to try and look as grim as Fin.

"That was careless of him, no doubt. But accidents happen...sometimes...when you cook," Oli spoke so carefully as if he was walking on a landmine. Well, Finiaroli was no less than a landmine when she was pissed off.

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