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The doctor informed Louis that Harry should wakeup withing the week since he was sedated to minimize any discomfort. The oxygen tubes are helping him breathe still but he is not on the ventilator anymore. His lungs are functioning on their own.

Louis hasn't gone back to the embassy. He's been with Harry the whole time. Earl brought him clothes and he is at the embassy. Harry's family and his family went back since they have to attend to official matters. Louis has been using the hospital shower and has barely been eating because until Harry wakes up, he's on edge.

It's been five days since the incident and Alexander has been sentenced to life in prison for conspiracy to commit murder and attempted murder.

Louis gave the authorities evidence from his "friend" the Spectre on Alexander's request to kill Harry and himself. He wasn't even tried in court since the people he tried to kill are higher up on the food chain.

Louis has been speaking to Harry and apologising to him nonstop. He doesn't think any amount of apologies will be enough.

And that's what he's doing right now. Holding Harry's hand and crying. He can't help it. Everyone who's seen him like this has been very surprised so far. They've never seen Louis in this state. The only person who's seen Louis being sad is Earl and to anyone else, it's a shock.

"Please s-stop cr...ying." A familiar deep voice speaks with a raspy tone and Louis whips his head up so fast to look at Harry.

Blue meets green and Louis is crying again.

"You....you're awake." Louis cries. He almost leaps onto the bed to hug Harry but stops himself after reminding himself that Harry is still recovering.

Before Harry can speak Louis presses the button on the wall and doctors and nurses are quick to arrive.

"Prince Harry. You're awake. Can you wiggle your toes for me. Good. Your fingers. That's good. Can you tell me if anything hurts?" The doctor is performing her examination and Louis calls to inform Earl about Harry.

Earl agrees to inform Harry's family.

"Chest." Harry winces and Louis is beside him in an instant.

"Okay well I'll give you some painkillers but you should try to move minimally. You're healing quite well. You should be good to be discharged in about two weeks time." The doctor says.

Then she turns to a nurse and says something before leaving. The nurse takes a syringe and fills it with medicine before injecting it into Harry's IV.

She isn't his usual nurse and is clearly dumb because she keeps touching him a bit too flirtatiously as she speaks to him. Running her hand up his bicep. Like she's either stupid and doesn't watch the news or she's ignorant.

Harry looks at Louis. Discomfort clear on his face as she speaks to him. "Are you feeling better now? You gave me a proper scare." She says flirtatiously as she touches Harry's bicep.

"Haz I love you." Louis pipes in. He comes near him and places a soft peck on his chapped lips. The nurse looks shocked but clears her throat.

"I'll come back to check on you in a few hours." She says before briskly walking out if the room.

"Swear would have ripped her head off." Louis says watching her retreating figure.

"Are....y-you jealous?" Harry cooes.

Louis just narrows his eyes at him. He sits beside Harry and caresses his hand.

"You really scared me. I'm sorry. I thought I lost you and I couldn't live with myself." Louis said and the tears are back. They burn his already tear stained cheeks.

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