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TW: Violence

Louis enters the hidden room and the door silently moves to shut behind him. With the snap of Louis's fingers, the room lights up. In the center of the room is a big wooden table. It doesn't even come close to the price of the desk in his room but the purpose of this wooden one is to stay hidden from the eyes of people. It's where Louis plans. Researches the people who are brought to him. He analyses before choosing a target. The police never question his killings. No one ever has. A hitman or a mob boss turning up dead is better for them and as soon as they hear of a bad man dead, they know it's the work of the ''Spectre'' and that no matter how hard they try they will never even breathe the same air as him.

Louis moves to his desk and takes the things on it and moves to another side of the room. To the far-right corner. There stands his most prized possession. A gift. From a client. Normally he would not accept gifts but this particular gift is valuable. It's an ''EVAPORATE'' the invention of his client. His clients have never seen him for his and their own safety. Louis turns it on with the click of a button. He then takes a heap of the files and papers he's carrying and places it in the machine. Instantaneously, the papers are being burnt in front of his eyes. Not a trace left behind. He does this a few times moving back and forth from the table to the device until the table is clean.

He then moves to another desk in his black-coloured room. All tiled in black and the paint on the walls, black colour with a silver outline unlike in his bedchamber where it's gold not silver. He painted it on his own so it's not the neatest but Louis could not risk anyone seeing his secret room. This desk is long but not very wide. It has a lot of machinery on it.

The best part about living in a Castle is that things work 24/7 and being the Royal Family, they don't pay any bills so everything goes unnoticed. It was at his grandfather's request that Louis had this room. It was not until his grandfather passed did Louis know why he got that particular room and although it was a bright room when he got it, a few weeks after the incident he redid it, in a way to reflect his soul. Dark. More damaged and destroyed. Louis felt a lot of self-loathing that he easily hid behind a smile. Louis never loved anyone after what happened and to say not even his family even though they don't know anything and they didn't do anything to him really emphasizes on the lack of emotion he has. His grandfather left him a letter, telling him about the secret room and told him to burn the letter after reading it and so Louis did. He used to use the room to hide his toys and candy and things he wanted to treasure but Louis changed. He was 18 when the darkness took over him and Louis just gave in because he was too tired. Too tired of crying about what happened and too tired to let him be fooled twice into thinking he deserved love. When his parents saw him again, he was a changed person. Uncaring and his bright blue eyes reflected it but his parents were too busy to notice and he didn't make himself a burden.

He switched the computer that stood in the middle of the desk on and got straight to it. He accessed the deep Web without difficulty and checked the tag 'spectre.' Most assassins would have people playing pranks with things like 'kill my boss please, he smells like garlic' but Louis never faces that problem. People feared him. He shook them to their core. After scrolling for a while and although there were so many, he found one very eye catching.

Normally Louis would select three, research them and finally target one but this time as soon as he saw the name, he didn't need a reason. He didn't care for the reason. It read:


Deep down Louis didn't care for anything. He wanted Harry gone for what he did. For making Louis the way he is. For making him a monster that even he, Louis Tomlinson, the heir to the throne of Avalon can't look at. Yes, he didn't take innocent lives but in Louis's eyes, Harry was not innocent. Harry killed Louis when he was only 17. Louis selected his target and then replied to the person.

Money wiring is to be done only after the job is done in case, I change my mind later. Try to find me and you know what happens next. How do you want him to go?

He really just did that but he didn't care. Immediately after Louis hit send, the guy replied.

Quietly. Natural causes

Louis needed to make sure the guy wasn't some agent of a country trying to track him down. He was reluctant but did it anyways. His safety and anonymity mattered. He hacked into the guy's profile. Tough firewall but broke it without setting off any alarms. He made sure the guy's IP address didn't trace back to a federal institution of a country. It didn't. Louis sighed. He's never done that to a client before but in this case, he had to. It was a lot of money. He takes a burner phone and gives the number to his client before sending another message.

Call only if there is a change or if it is extremely necessary.

He worked in the room a bit longer before rubbing his eyes. They kind of hurt after staring at a screen for so long. Normally the conversation between his client and him would go on a few days at least before the briefing was done and everything was confirmed but Harry was an exception to that. He killed Louis Tomlinson and Louis would do the same to him.

Louis hadn't eaten anything in the morning but he wasn't really hungry.

He finally left the room, making sure that his firewalls and encryptions were perfect. He then snapped his fingers again and that the light switched off and Louis reached for a button, pressed it and the door opened. He stepped out and it shut behind him.

What do ya'll think will happen next? Also what happened to Louis? This fic is love to hate to love, but one of the characters feels a lot. Anyways I hope you'll are enjoying it as much as I am writing it. Maybe I should make present Harry a softie.

Stay Safe My Kings, Queens and Royalties ❤

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