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The above picture is the Sinharaja rainforest in Sri Lanka. I based the forest off of it because it is a very pretty site that I was lucky enough to visit. This is to make the visual picture of the forest easier.

As Harry left Louis's room, Louis felt happy that he finally had a friend although Harry was a year or two younger than him. He was happy but Louis felt something else.

He felt like his heart was pounding heavily in his chest, his palms were sweaty and his skin was burning from when Harry hugged him. He has never had any experience with anything really. For a moment he thought he had fallen in love and he smiled. His smile reaching his eyes. The truest kind. Louis's smile was adorable as his eyes scrunched and his face happy. He let the thought linger and then shook his head and thought to himself.

He barely knows the boy. They had just met. You can't love someone you just met like in the books and fairytales. 

Louis walked out of his bedchamber and almost bumps into a ginger haired boy with pale skin and blue eyes.

''Sorry'' Louis says as he moves backwards.

''Ahh it's alright. You must be Prince Louis!" The boy exclaims reaching out a hand to shake and Louis takes it and shakes it.

''Yes. I'm sorry I'm not familiar with anyone here'' Louis says his voice almost a whisper.

''I know. I'm Prince Ed of Averna'' he says smiling. A little pruners in his voice.

''I'm Louis-" Louis cuts himself short.

''If you don't mind me asking...how do you know me?'' Louis asks instead.

''Harry said that the Prince of Avalon would be joining us and I know all the other Princes so I just assumed you were who he was talking about'' Ed says signalling to walk.

''Are we going for the hike now?'' Louis asks unsure as they descend the flights of stairs in the Castle.

''Yes. The others are outside. S'just me and you left to join em'' Ed said a but of an accent in his voice.

Louis only nodded and they momentarily joined the other Princes. There were about five of them altogether but that's the most amount of boys he's been with that are close to his age. After talking to Ed a while Louis learned that Ed was Harry's best friend and that he was Louis's age.

The other two Princes were frequent visitors to the country. They started walking and they passed busy cities where people were cheering and asking for photos with Harry as they passed and after about thirty minutes the voices and cheering of girls died down and they were reaching a forest like area.

Harry turned all of a sudden which stopped the other boys in their tracks.

''I forgot to introduce you to the Prince of Avalon. Prince Louis Tomlinson'' Harry says with a wide smile. His two dimples made Louis's heart melt.

''Hi!'' Louis said. ''You can just call me Louis or Lo-" he stops himself when he sees Harry frown as if to say 'don't say it' and so Louis cleared his throat. ''Just call me Louis'' he said smiling and Harry's face softened at that.

Louis wondered for a moment. Did Harry feel the way Louis did? No! It can't be. Harry has a string of girls after him even at the young age of 15. Every girl wants him. There is no way.

They walked through the forest and did so in chatter.
The boys slowly introduced themselves one by one along the way.

''I'm Alexander of Amaranthine'' the boy with blonde waves said reaching a hand out and shaking it before turning away and paying no attention to Louis's presence. He was a proud Prince with sharp features. He was thin and tall but elegant in his mannerism.

''Prince Avery of Welkin'' the boy with the piercing dark eyes, straight dark hair and more defined features said. He was about Louis's height but he had more muscle and had charm. Although this boy seemed scarier, he seemed kinder when considered with Prince Alexander.

They passed through the wooded area. Hopped over streams and climbed over logs and sometimes reached clearings but they kept going. The birds and animals in the forest singing in unison as though they were welcoming their visitors. The water in the streams cool and evenly flowing. It was very beautiful.

Louis and Ed now walked beside Harry and the other two followed closely behind.

''How far are we going Harry?" Louis asked. He had never walked so much a day in his life.

''A bit more. We're going to the most beautiful part of Eroda. At least in my eyes'' Harry says and the rest of the hike, they engage in friendly chatter and Ed randomly bursting out into tune. Slowly Alexander and Avery had also joined the chatter and they were all laughing when Harry finally stopped.

He stopped in front of a massive plain that sloped into mountains that seemed to touch the skies. The air was much cooler now. 

Ed laid the basket he was carrying through the journey on the fresh green grass that seemed to stretch out into infinity like the sea. It was a very pretty site indeed and for some reason as if the mountains were stuck in different seasons, one was covered with snow halfway up, one had trees with leaves in gradients of orange, red and yellow, one had little flower blossoms growing throughout and the other was very bright and sunny. It felt like the four seasons had descended upon them. It was the most beautiful thing Louis had seen but easily beaten by Harry's beauty.

Ed pulled out a cotton blanket like mat and laid it on the grass.

''So who is hungry?''

''I'm starving'' the Princes all except Louis said in unison.

''I want to walk around a moment. Look around...'' Louis said and didn't wait for a response as he walked off.

They were back at the Castle at around 7 in the night after the sun had set. After leaving the forest they walked to the country side. Then they walked to the beach at Eroda and played in the water. Eroda was much like Avalon except colder and the skies a bit darker but for Louis, Harry made it brighter.

Louis had gotten quite close to Ed and he told Ed that he was gay who didn't seem bothered by it. Not even for a moment. He said he had a friend who is gay.

They had arrived in time for dinner. They all sat at the long table in the dining hall along with with rest of their families and ate a hearty dinner. Foods of all kinds filled the table and laughter and chatter spread infectiously. Louis's seating placement was next to Harry and Louis loved the thought of it.

''So did you enjoy today's hike?'' Harry asked picking at his fingers nervously.

Louis's smile was so big that his heart might burst.

''I loved it. I've never been on one like it before'' Louis says.

Harry relaxes.

The week passed on and then his father said they were staying longer and Louis thought his heart might melt because it meant he got to spend more time with Harry.

Ok I lied there's going to another past chapter. Do you think the feelings are mutual? What do you think might happen for it to all go sideways?

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Stay Safe My Kings, Queens and Royalties ❤

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