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It broke Harry's heart to see Louis like this but Harry promised himself that he would help Louis get healthy. Harry squeezes the extra water and pulled Louis's boxers down and cleaned his genitalia as well since Louis didn't have a shower before he fainted the first time and Harry was scared of an infection. Harry removed Louis's boxers fully and put it in the laundry bin and pulled the sheets over Louis before going into Louis's room and getting a clean pair from one of his drawers which Harry took a while to pinpoint.

He then came back and sat down to pull the fresh pair of boxers onto to Louis when Louis groaned and opened his eyes slowly. Harry was ecstatic but he didn't call for anyone as everyone had already gone to sleep under his request.

''Louis" Harry spoke softly as not to override Louis's senses. ''You're awake'' he says softly.

As soon as Louis heard Harry's voice he moved away from Harry instinctively. Although Harry was hurt by this, he tried his best not to show it.

Louis cleared his throat. It didn't hurt anymore. It wasn't sore anymore.

''Why am I still here?'' Louis asks in his normal bitter voice. Louis then looked at himself and realised he was bare. He had no clothes on. He was furious. He didn't need a reason to lash out at Harry.

''Why am I naked!'' Louis exclaims now shouting. ''What did you do?'' He continues and Harry doesn't say anything. He knew better than that.

Louis then looks at Harry. Looks at the bags under his eyes. The sadness in his eyes and decided to make a snarky comment on Harry's appearance.

''You look like shit'' he exclaims.
That made Harry lose his cool. He was very frustrated and angry.

''If you must know. While everyone else was crying and blaming themselves for what happened to you, I was the one who stayed up all night massaging your head and wiping your body with a cold towel to bring your fever down! I was the one, who got you out of your soaking wet clothes and into a bed! I was the one who sat here with you last night and the whole day today scared that if I leave and something happens... I stayed with you! I was cleaning you with the towel! I'm not some creep who can't keep my hands to myself!'' Harry lifts his hand in anger and shows the towel in his hand. ''I don't know why you treat people like crap but I didn't do anything to deserve it'' Harry says angrily.

Louis is shook and whilst he doesn't care, he needed to distracted himself from everything. Pretend that Harry didn't tend to him. He needed to try his best to avoid it.

''I feel gross. I.. I need to take a shower'' Louis says and he himself is shocked that it doesn't come out as heartless as he intended.

No! He can't let his guard down. He can't show emotions.

Louis moves and although wobbly, he feels stronger. He takes one of the sheets and wraps it around his bare body. He gets up and with help from the things around him he tries to make his way to Harry's bathroom but right in front of the door his legs give up and he falls but Harry catches him in his arms.

''Get away from me!'' Louis yells angrily and bitterly once more.

''No! I don't care that you are mad at me but I am taking care of you and if that means bathing you, so be it!'' Harry exclaims and before Louis can protest, Harry helps him up and takes him to the bathroom.

''No! I don't care! I.. I don't need your help not after what you did!" Louis states as he shoots daggers at Harry.

''You keep going on about something I did when I didn't do anything!" Harry snaps at him angrily.

Killer Love ||L.SNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ