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"I don't want to be King Lou," Harry says as he runs his fingers through Louis's soft hair in the darkness of Harry's bedchamber only lighten up by the silvery moon outside. Louis's head rests on Harry's chest and his hand wrapped around Harry's middle. Louis is wearing sweats and t-shirt not what you would expect a Prince to wear but does it matter? He is going to sleep after all and Harry is wearing only sweats, leaving his torso bare.

They had had dinner earlier although Louis ate only a little as his throat was still scratchy and raw.

"What do you mean? Why?" Louis tilts his head up to look at Harry's eyes that are looking down at him. The moonlight makes Harry glow. He looks angelic.

"Well in my family, the first born has always been King and Gemma is the firstborn so she should be the rightful heir," Harry says.

That's another things Louis loves about Harry. He's so modest and honest. He never wants what is not rightfully his whether it's food or the throne. Harry loves the people around him and more than anything he loves his sister Gemma. They are so close that they don't even need to verbally communicate. One look at each other's expressions and they know what to do or what is intended.

"So why is she not Queen?" Louis asks as he absentmindedly draws circles on Harry's hip.

"I don't know....the firstborn weirdly and oddly has always been a boy throughout history in my family. Gives me the creeps sometimes.....until Gemma. She......that was the first time in history that a girl was the firstborn and people had a lot to say about it. Gemma is lovely and so kind but when she was small, she had to be protected a lot when she went out of the castle because people saw her as a bad omen.....it broke my heart really because everyone was so nice to me but not her. I assume that my father saw it fit that eventhough Gemma is the firstborn, that since I am a boy and no one has been Queen before that it's only right I ascend and not her....which is unfair Lou. I don't want to be King....she deserves to be Queen" Harry states firmly.

Louis sighs. "What are you going to do about it?" Louis asks as he reaches up and pecks a kiss onto Harry's soft lips before lying back down on his chest.

"I don't know but I do know I'm not going to and I don't want to be King," Harry says but I want to marry you Lou and be by your side forever Harry thinks in his head.

"Lou?" Harry says as their dragged into a tense silence.

"Yeah?" Louis asks.

"How are we going to find the person who wants to kill us?" Harry asks and Louis tenses. We? Louis can't let Harry get involved. He doesn't want Harry to have blood on his hands like Louis.

"Harry I can't- I can't let you get involved and-" Louis tries but Harry cuts him off.

"Louis, this person wants both of us dead. I am helping you bring him in whether you like it or not," Harry says.

"Harry I- I don't bring people in.....I kill them Harry......I can't let you get involved," Louis says and Harry grips Louis tighter as if Louis might run away from him.

"Louis you can't....you can't keep doing this. You can't keep killing people because they are also people." Harry tried but Louis got a bit annoyed. Louis controlled his anger and icy tone as he spoke so as not to hurt Harry.

"Harry Lia, the 12 year old girl didn't ask to be kidnapped and raped multiple times by older men she didn't know. Maya. She was 10. She didn't ask to be taken from her home in the middle of the night only to be repeatedly raped in a sex ring for 5 years before she was killed and disposed of like trash. Bruno the great dane never asked to fight with Boxer the bloodhound everyday. None of them wanted to die and be disposed of like garbage but yet they were. Harry I haven't killed good people. I need you to listen to this next bit carefully Harry. I have to go back to Avalon to do this. To find out who wants my baby dead and I'm leaving tomorrow evening," Louis says as he runs his hand up and down Harry's chest. Harry's breath hitches in his throat and he let's out a small moan at the sensation of Louis's touch. He wants to argue but his length feels more and more uncomfortable every second that passes. Tightening in his boxers.

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