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When Louis fainted again, Harry knew something was really wrong. He needed to get a professional in to see Louis very discreetly without alerting the Queen.

Harry had read media reports where Louis preferred to keep things hush and quiet when he's sick even from his parents.

He rang for Richard.

''Your Highness?'' Richard arrives instantaneously.

''Richard ring my doctor immediately. Make it discreet. Don't let anyone know and be quick please'' Harry pleads holding an unconscious Louis in his arms. He shook him. He splashed water. Nothing worked. His pulse was weak but he was still breathing.

Richard's eyes go wide with concern and rushes off immediately and no more than thirty minutes later, Harry's Doctor is in his room.

He immediately walks over to Louis with his stethoscope and places it on his heart and listens to his heartbeat.

''How long has he been unconscious?''

''Thirty minutes maybe''

''Is there anything else I need to know of?''

''Uhmm I actually- he fainted once earlier at around 2am and I carried him to my room. I think he went on a late night run and his clothes were soaking wet. I splashed water and he awoke. He caught a fever in the night. It kept coming and going. He then tried to stand and his legs were too weak. When he tried again, he fainted again'' Harry said as fast as he could recollecting the events that happened to the best of his abilities while trying to keep calm.

The doctor looks over at Richard who is still in the room and nods.

''Your Highness'' he says before leaving the room and shutting the door behind him. The doctor then turns to Harry.

''His heartbeat is very weak. He seems cold due to the lack of body fat to regulate his body temperature. He is very thin.'' The doctor keeps repeating and Harry is getting frustrated.

''Please be direct Doctor Heart'' Harry says with a worried expression.

''What I'm saying is he is severely anorexic. He needs energy in order to get better and right now I have to administer IV nutrition Harry'' the Doctor says.

''I understand. Do what you must. Just save him. He looks like he's in a lot of pain.'' Harry says his eyes going sad.

Moments later, there is a nurse, there is an IV bag hanging from a stand and there is a needle in Louis's arm, injected to his vein in order to administer the IV.

Harry pulls the chair near his mirror closer and sits down next to Louis. There are bags under Harry's eyes that are very visible and he looks exhausted.

Moments later Harry's parents along with Louis's mother and his sisters come rushing into Harry's room. Harry knew that this would no longer be discreet.

''Oh no! My boy! What happened?'' Queen Jo exclaims. Her eyes getting glassy.

''He's uhmm. Lottie? Why don't you and your sisters go and eat. Give your brother some space?'' Harry tells Lottie his eyes pleading hoping that she would understand.

Lottie nods understanding before ushering her sisters out of the room. After they leave, Queen Jo moves near the bed and holds onto Louis's hand. The IV hangs on the side Harry is sitting and the Queen is on the opposite side. Her eyes glassy.

''This is all my fault'' she keeps saying. ''He just never tells us about anything and he is always smiling and I never realised....'' her voice fades as a cry breaks out. Queen Anne immediately goes to stand beside her.

''It's not your fault.'' She reassures.

''She's right'' Harry says although he doesn't get up to move next to her. Instead he just sits in the chair and watches Louis.

After about thirty minutes or so Harry's parents along with Queen Jo leave but before they go Queen Jo turns to Harry.

''Thank you Harry. Thank you for taking care of him'' is all she can say as her eyes are red from crying.

Moments later Richard walks in with a a tray of food for Harry.

''Your Highness, I brought you food. You must eat. You haven't eaten all day. In order to care for another you must have energy'' Richard says, setting the tray on the small dining table in Harry's room since Harry wanted to have a dining table with 4 chairs in his room but Harry's bedchamber is big and there is plenty of space.

''I will'' is all Harry says as he checks Louis's temperature. Louis's fever had finally gone down as the last three times Harry checked, Louis had no fever. Harry slipped out of his nightgown in the early hours and wore a hoodie with sweatpants but he was still wearing his night slippers.

Richard leaves and Harry is left alone with Louis and his thoughts.

What ever was Louis talking about? What did I do to him? What did I say that he was not supposed to know? Harry racks his brain trying to figure it out.

All Harry knows is that he's been infatuated with Louis since the day he met him. He has never felt a burning desire for someone in that manner before. Harry knows only that to this day he is saving his innocence for Louis. He never knew he liked boys until Louis stepped into his life. All those years that they never spoke hurt Harry and when his coronation was coming up, he thought it was the perfect opportunity to reach out without arising any suspicion. When Louis acted coldly towards him, Harry was confused and hurt.

Harry ate his meal for the sake of Louis. He just ate but never glanced down to look at what he was eating. His eyes were trained on the still unconscious Louis laying on the bed. The nurse came in and replaced the empty IV bag with a another filled one.

Harry sighed and went to sit next to Louis once more but this time he placed the chair back and pulled in the cushioned armchair. Harry had brought in the warmest blankets to preserve Louis's body heat but Harry could still see him shiver. Harry sat on the bed and massaged Louis's temples again. Louis wasn't unconscious anymore he was asleep. He leaned into Harry's touch involuntarily and Harry's stomach filled with butterflies instantly.

The sun was setting and Harry had not slept a wink. Louis's mother would come in every hour or so but couldn't bear to look at Louis in that state so would leave after about thirty minutes. Eventually as the sunset, Harry was told that she finally stopped crying and fell asleep. Louis's fever didn't come back for which Harry was greatful and after several bags of IV nutrition bags, Doctor Heart said that Louis's vitals were normal but all Harry could see was the skin and bone of Louis.

Once the sun had fully immersed into the sea and he sent his staff to sleep early in order to wake up early, Harry grabbed a towel and bowl of water with lavender essential oil mixed into it. and wet the towel to make it damp and started wiping Louis's body down with it. As the water started get lukewarm, Harry replaced it again with hot water knowing well that it would be too cold for Louis if not.

Do you think Harry is truly in love with Louis? What do you say I bring the heated topic up as soon as Louis is better? Anyways, I'm trying to show this caring side of Harry.

Lovelies if you'll are struggling with an Eating disorder of any kind, just know sometimes we all need help before it gets too bad. Please reach out for help and take care of yourselves my Kings and Queens and Royalties.

Anyways Lovelies trust me this is a slow burner I know. Don't forget to vote and comment. I want to know what you'll think:)

Stay Safe My Kings, Queens and Royalties ❤

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