Chapter 13 - Words

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I wake up still strapped to the pod....I didn't even realize that I passed out. "Bucky?" I look over at him.

"Thank god your awake." He sighs in relief.

"I passed out?"

"From the blood loss. They stitched you up." He looks away. "Does it hurt?"

"No...I've been through worse." I look over at him. "Bucky...There's no way we can get out of this. They all think we did it."

Bucky doesn't respond as the door opens, "Hello, Mr. Barnes. Miss Rogers. I've been sent by the United Nations to evaluate you. Do you mind if I sit? Your first name is James? And yours is
Y/N?" He stares at us as we don't respond. "I'm not here to judge you. I just want to ask you a few questions. Do you know where you are, James? I can't help you if you don't talk to me, James."

"My name is Bucky." He finally speaks up.

"Tell me, Bucky. You've seen a great deal, haven't you?"

"I don't want to talk about it." Bucky looks away.

"Same with you Y/N." I look away from him, not wanting to answer. "You both fear that... if you open your mouth, the horrors might never stop. Don't worry. We only have to talk about one." He stands.

I look up as the power goes out, "What the hell is this?" I ask.

"Why don't we discuss your home? Not Romania. Certainly not Brooklyn, no. I mean, your real home." He removes his glasses then walks towards Bucky and I. My eyes widen when I see the familiar Red book. "Желание." (Longing.)

"No." Bucky's head snaps back.

"Ржавый." (Rusted.)

"Stop." I start to feel dizzy.

"Семнадцать." (Seventeen.)

My metal arm trembles in its restraints as I feel my body convulse, "Stop!" Bucky sneers angrily.

"Рассвет." (Daybreak.)

I scream out and rip my wrists free from my restraints, Bucky does the same. I start to thrash around, kicking and punching the door to the pod.

"Печь." (Furnace.) "Девять." (Nine.) "Добросердечный."(Benign.) I start to punch harder, everything slowly slips away. "Возвращение на Родину." (Homecoming.) "Один." (One.) "Грузовой вагон." (Freight car.) Suddenly we break out of the pods, I clench my metal fist as stare ahead as the guy with the book stands in front of the soldier and I. "Солдат?" (Soldier?)

"Я готов отвечать." (Ready to comply.) We both say.

"Убери тех охранников." (Take out those guards.) He points to the door as there is yelling outside.

I walk passed him and kick the door off its hinges, making four guards fly back. Two guards come running towards me with electric Batons, I grab their necks and hold them high in the air. I walk forward and kick ones chest as I slam the two in my hands into the wall. I flip back and swing my metal fist into a guards chest, sending him flying back, getting stuck into the wall.

I tilt my head as a much bigger guard walks up, I smile sadistically and wave for him to come get me. He growls and rushes towards me, I duck down as he tries to grab me. He grunts as I punch him hard in his side, swinging my metal arm up to punch him in the jaw. I leap onto his back and latch my metal arm around his throat, squeezing tight as he struggles.

The large guard thrashes around and hits me against the wall, he stops as I squeeze tighter until I hear a snap. I kick him off of me and hide in another doorway as two men run in, checking the guards. As the second man goes to enter, I grab him and punch his side. I quickly grab his throat and toss him into one of the pods as the two other men fight.

I start to run, leaping up as the soldier gets out of the way. I kick the other mans chest, sending him falling down the elevator shaft.

I point to a stairwell, we knew we needed to leave. I run up in front of him, looking back as we reach the main floor.

A man in glasses goes after the soldier while a blonde woman kicks me back. I flip back up and punch her side, ducking as she tries to punch me. I tangle my flesh hand into her blonde hair and smack her head into the wall, flipping back with her in my arms and smashing her through a table. I punch her with my metal fist and grab a chair, hurling it behind me as another man attacks the soldier.

I spin around and kick his chest, quickly running out with the soldier.

"Get in." He points to the helicopter. I run to the other side and get in, not even strapping in as he starts to take off.

The helicopter is suddenly pulled back. I turn to see the man I kicked down the elevator shaft pulling us back. "Want me to get him?"

"No." He turns back.

I hold on as he suddenly forces us into the man, causing us to spin and break the tail of the helicopter.

As we crash onto the landing pad, I hit my head against the windshield, my vision blurs as we start to fall....fully passing out as we hit the water.

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