Chapter 10 - The Library

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⚠️Smut⚠️ (Sorry it's taking me long, I struggle at writing smut, I don't think I'm very good at it. Next chapter will have some too!)

Bucky wouldn't let me leave for work today...he had to leave at the same time but wanted us to stay in bed....all day. Even though a holiday was coming up next week....he still wanted us to stay home.

I would very much love that.......but we needed to work. I put on my gloves, a simple maroon dress with short black heels and a cardigan. Braiding my hair back and grabbing my backpack.

"See you later, doll." He kisses me, waving as we walk in different directions.

I switch with Rosalie and take out my notebook. I had decided to grab a few books and write some things down. They had two books on Captain perfect opportunity to get to know him some more.

The library died down at about was pretty much empty. So I walk over to some memory loss books and pick up a few to check out and take home.

I smile as I walk through the gorgeous library....I was finally understanding what Happy felt like.

I was extremely happy with Bucky....although we both have nightmares almost every gets easier when he's around.

I sit back at the large front desk and start to write in my notebook, "Steve and I were born July 4th....1918. James Buchanan Barnes was born March 10....1917." I whisper to myself.

I grab onto my head as I feel a stabbing pain.


"Y/N....I can't lose you too...promise me you won't leave."

"Steve I'll always be here for you. I'm not going anywhere." I hug him.

"I miss mom so much."

"Me too." I rub his shoulders. "She's watching over us now."

I look up as Bucky walks in, "Hey guys...I set up the couch cushions into a fort, got some snacks, and I set the radio up. Just like old times." He smiles...Bucky would do anything to make us feel better.

"Thanks, Buck." Steve smiles. "I love you guys."

"We love you too, Steve." I smile.


"Doamnă?" (Ma'am?)

I slightly gasp as I see a man in front of me. "Îmi pare atât de rău!Cu ce ​​vă pot ajuta?" (I'm so sorry! How can I help you?)

"Îmi poți arăta unde sunt cărțile tale de psihologie?" (Can you show me where you psychology books are?)

"Desigur! Urmați-mă." (Of course! Follow me.) I stand and walk around the desk, we walk through a couple isles before stopping at a small section. "Asta este tot ce avem." (This is all that we have) I look up at the small clock, "De asemenea, Biblioteca se închide în cincisprezece minute." (Also, the library closes in fifteen minutes.) I smile.

"Mulțumesc!" (Thank you!) He smiles as I walk off.

I pick up my things and put them in my bag, starting to wipe off the front desk as the man comes back. He only picked out one book and was gone pretty quick.

I lock up and walk into the back room. I had to turn off every light and bring a small cart up to wipe down the tables. The only light available was the moonlight shining in from the large windows above, it was the perfect amount of light to let me clean.

After getting ten out of twenty tables cleaned, I stop at the sound of books falling echoing through the library. "Buna ziua?" (Hello?) I take off my gloves and cautiously walk towards the stacks of books. I pause as I hear another book fall. "Hello? The library is closed!" I say in English this time.

I walk down one row, seeing three books scattered on the floor...weird.

I frown and bend down, picking the three up, before I get up a hand slides across my ass. I quickly drop the books and spin around. A metal hand catches mine, "Hey, doll."

"Bucky? What the hell!" I punch his chest.


"You scared me! I thought...I thought they came back for us." I look away.

"Hey...I'm sorry....I didn't mean to scare you. I just wanted to surprise you." He lightly smiles.

"It's fine...just please don't scare me like that again." I nod, putting the books back.

"I missed you." He pulls me in and kisses my cheek.

"I missed you too." I smile.

Bucky then turns and pulls out a rose from one of the shelves, "Got you this today." He smiles sweetly.

"It's beautiful."

"I wanted to ask you something....Um..." He looks away. "I wanted to...make us official?"  He stares at his feet, afraid of me rejecting him.

"Of course, Buck." I grab his face, "Everything feels so...right with you. I feel normal with you." I smile.

"I agree." He leans in and kisses me, slowly pushing off my cardigan. "Are there cameras?"

"No....what are you doing?" I ask. Bucky smirks, pulling up my dress around my hips and slowly rubbing his hand up my thigh. "Bucky..." I warn.

"Oh come could be fun." He smiles, pulling my panties off  as he unzips his pants.

"Your crazy." I giggle. I look down between us as he pulls my right leg up to hook around his waist. "You've been thinking about this a lot, haven't you?" I smirk.

"I have." He chuckles, rubbing his cock against my cunt. I grab onto his shoulders as he slowly sinks into me, he squeezes my thigh to keep me up as my knee starts to buckle.

"Oh god." I tangle my hands in his hair as my head falls back against the shelf, he slowly grinds me up and down against him. I gasp as he suddenly slams into me, he bites his lip as his hand squeezes onto my thigh.

"Fuck." He growls, pulling my other leg over his waist, holding me up above the ground. A book from above falls and hits Bucky's head, causing us both to laugh. I wrap my arms around his neck and rest my forehead against his.

Bucky leans up and kisses me, quickly turning me around and bending me over. I hold onto the shelf, bowing my head as he grabs my hips and slams into me again. My legs start to shake as he speeds up, I had to try and stop my metal hand from crushing the shelf I was holding onto. "Right there..." My mouth opens as a small knot forms in my lower stomach.

Bucky grabs my hair and yanks my head back, he holds his breath as he pounds into me, leaning down and growling in my ear. I moan out as he lets my hair go, he slowly grinds into me through our release, trying to catch his breath.

I slump over onto the shelf to steady myself as he pulls away, Bucky chuckles and helps me get dressed. "That was exciting." He kisses me.

"It was...and never happening again." I chuckle.

"Oh come on...."

"Go wait up at the front desk for me, I have to clean up here and finish the tables." I softly smile.

"Fine." He kisses my cheek.

"Bucky..." He turns back to me. "You drive me crazy." I smirk.


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