Part 2: Chapter 28

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The clock's long hand struck 12 and it's small hand placed itself on 6 marking it the second night of the game. He looked at his copy of the list of his students. He took the microphone and cleared his voice.

"Good evening former future engineers!" he said cheerfully.

"Today is the second night of the game, I would like to congratulate all of you for making it this far!" he said with enthusiastism.

"Okay, here now is the list of your dead classmates, cross-out their names, alright?

"Starting at number 23 - Salva, number 40 - Costales, number 39 - Anagao, number 18 - Fuentes, number 3 - Oanes, number 16 - Guzman and number 13 - Dela Fuente. A total number of seven dead! Great job everyone! Keep up the good work!

"Only thirteen of you are remaining, now for the danger zones! Since the area you're playing is decreasing, we will only add three new danger zones.

"Starting from an hour from now, C=9, three hours from now, sector K=3 and at 11 PM, sector E=2. That's it for tonight!" and he turned off the mic and he threw himself at the government supplied bed beside him.

He looked at the table to his right, he noticed a paper - no, a picture - lying above his algebra book. He took it and tears started to build up in his eyes. He wiped it off immediately and put the picture under his pillow.

"I'm sorry, but I have to do this," he muttered.

13 students remaining

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