Chapter 40

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* Kathleen *

I've been once again ignoring Alek . Bella has been gone about two days and Jacob and I are going for a walk . He didn't even knock , just walked in with a smile , but his smile faded quickly . 

" Someone was in your room . " he said .

I shook my head.

" Nope . Just me . "

He nodded .

" Yeah there was . A vampire . I don't recignize the scent . Are you missing anything from your room ? " he asked .

I shrugged . 

" I don't know ."

Could it have been Alek . Maybe I should tell Jacob . He'd find out sooner or later . I mean ... they WERE natural enemies .

" Jacob, Alek is a vampire . But he didn't come into my room .Not lately anyway . " I muttered .

He looked at me surprised .

" W-What ?! " he demanded .

" Calm down ! He would never hurt me . We met when he saved me from a robber . " I explained . 

" Oh yeah , that makes me feel GREAT . " he said sarcastically .

I followed him as he stormed up to my room and looked around . 

" Look around . Is there anything you're missing ?" he asked .

I looked around closely careful of where I'd placed everything . I'd left a t-shirt on the chair to the desk and it was gone . 

" My t-shirt . It's gone . " I said , confused .

" Okay, this is bad . Redhead . " he muttered .

" What ? " I asked .

He sighed and gently grabbed my hands . 

" That day when that man in the woods attacked you . He was a vampire . That wolf that saved you ... was me . I killed him . Last year a vampire called James went after Bella and Edward killed him to protect Bella like I killed Laurant to protect you . There was one last vampire in that coven . James was her mate and Laurant was her friend . She's been after Bella because it was Edward who killed James and she wanted to be even . It seems she might just have added another target to her list . Don't freak out , honey . I'm not going to let her touch you . I'll be damned if she even gets close to you . You have nothing to worry about . " he explained , pulling me into a hug .

I couldn't beleive what I was hearing , but for the first time ... I DIDN'T freak out. It's a damn miracle. 

" What does this mean ? " I whispered hoarsely .

He sighed . 

" You might need to come stay at La Push . It's werewolf territory and it would probably safer for you. More wolves around . More borders . More protection ." he said .

I nodded . 

" Alright . But YOU explain it to Charlie . " I winked , grabbing an overnight bag to pack .

Jacob cleared his throat .

" Tonight's his gun cleaning night , isn't it ? "

I nodded smugly .

" Mmmhmm . " I said .

He rolled his eyes .

" Nice . "

 " What about Danica ? " I asked .

" She'll be staying with Embry . " he said chuckling , with a wink .

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