Chapter 22

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* Jacob *

I was up all night . I couldn't sleep . I really didn't feel like doing much . I just really wanted to call Kathleen just to make sure she was okay. I don't know why , but I was incredibly worried about her .I don't know what I'd do if something happened to her . I was just sitting on my bed , looking up at the ceiling when there was a knock on my door . 
" Go away . " I said with a sigh .

" Jacob , it's me . " Embry's quiet voice said .

He walked into the room and I sat up .
" The pack has been looking for you . " he said quietly .

" I don't really care . " I said coldly .

He scratched the back of his head .
" Thinkin about Kathy ? " he asked me .

I nodded .
" Is it that obvious ? "

He chuckled .
" Yeah . "

" I haven't talked to her . " I said .

" I talked to Danica this morning . We could always call Danica and see if Kathleen is alright . It would probably make you feel better . " he suggested .

I nodded and he pulled out his phone , dialing a number I knew he knew by heart . The phone rang he put it on speaker .

" Hello ? " Danica's voice asked on the other end of the line .

It was about 5 o clock' here and I knew there was a time difference .

" Hey, Danny . " Embry said with a smile .

" Embry ? A little late to call , isn't it ? " she asked with a giggle . 
" Uh .... what time is it there ? " he asked .
" 8 . You're three hours behind me . Doesn't matter . I'm glad you called ... AGAIN . What's up ? " she asked .

I laughed , seeing the expression on Embry's face . He cleared his throat . 

" Actually, Jacob is here with me and he was wondering how Kathleen was . " he said , cutting to the point . 
" Hey , Jacob . " she said .
" Hey , Danny . " I replied .
" She's ..... managing . There's just alot that she has to deal with , but she's getting back to her old self . " she explained .
" What do you mean she has alot to deal with ? " I asked .
Danica sighed on the other end of the line .
" Look , we both have alot going on . My parents divorce and Kathy WISHING her parents would divorce . It's a LONG story . I can only tell my part of it , but we both know you're interested in HER part of it . That's not my place to say . "

It made a little more sense now . Why she was always so cold and distant . Made alot of sense. I just with I knew what the hell Danica was talking about .
" Sorry about your parents, Danny . " Embry said .

" It's okay. It's better then dealing with them fighting on a regular basis . I mean , they still do that too, but it's better when they're not together .  " she said with a dry laugh .

 " Well , how are YOU ? " Embry asked her . 
" I was working at the Rosedale Skate Inn and Melissa Jones walked in . I must say that she's the worst girl ever and I got alot of joy about seeing her bruised shin . Curtesy of Kathleen . " she said , laughing harder .

Embry and I laughed . 
" Well , I'm gonna let you go to sleep . " Embry said with a smile . 
" Thanks , I'll talk to you later . " she said and hung up .

 " Embry, let's call Kathleen . " I said suddenly needing to hear her voice . 

Embry chuckled . 
" Alright . " he said, handing me his phone .

I dialed her number and put it on speaker , waiting . Waiting . Waiting . Waiting ....

" Hi . "

" Kathy I --- "

" You've reached Kathleen Swan . Sorry I couldn't answer your call . Maybe I don't want to talk to you . If I do , then I'll call you back . If not , you're out of luck . Leave me a message if you want . Bye . " said her voicemail .

Embry sighed .
" I'm gonna call again . "

I nodded and waited as he redialed her number . Nothing . It was then that I knew I wouldn't be able to talk to Kathleen Swan . 

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