Glittery Bird

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So I have a headcanon.

Aoyama doesn't like the dark.


Tokoyami and Aoyama: *doing hero work at night*

Tokoyami: *walking along*

Aoyama: *holds his hand and clings to his arm*

Tokoyami: *looks at him* you okay?

Aoyama: yeah-


Tokoyami: okay sleep.

Aoyama: fine.

Tokoyami: *turns the light off and flops on his bed*

Aoyama: *snuggles up to him and holds him tightly*

Tokoyami: *turns on a lamp* okay what's wrong-?

Aoyama: nothing- *moves away*

Tokoyami: 'is it the dark-?' *turns the lamp off*

Aoyama: *clings to him again*

Tokoyami: *turns the lamp on* you scared of the dark?

Aoyama: *nods*

Tokoyami: you should of said something. I'll keep the lamp on.

Aoyama: *smiles* *eventually falls asleep with his head on Tokoyami's chest*


-when they doing hero work at night-

Tokoyami: *immediately holds Aoyama's hand*

Aoyama: *clings onto his arm*

Tokoyami: it's okay. I've got you.

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