Stuff because im bored.

89 2 4

Shoto: *walks into class 1a*

Mina: *hugs him* we watched the news I'm sorry about that bitch of a reporter.

Shoto: *hugs her back* eh it's okay.

Mina: 'damn he is skinny. And I don't mean good skinny-' well we were debating watching old news with you on it-

Shoto: heh. Why not.

Mina: sit where you want we moves all the desks so grab a chair and sit wherever.

Shoto: okay. *gets his chair and sits next to Katsuki*

Katsuki: *hides a smile*

Shoto: you good?

Katsuki: yeah.

Mina: okay FiRsT nEwS cLiP I think it was when Todoroki was like 4- it's a short one.

-the news clip-

News reporter: Hello Shoto Todoroki.

Shoto: Hi!

News reporter: aww. How old are you?

Shoto: I'm 4!

News reporter: *smiling* what do you want to be when you grow up?

Shoto: I hero like my dad and All Might!!

News reporter: well we hope you do.

-end of clip-

Tsuyu: aww Baby Shoto is so cute!

Katsuki: 'he still is.'

Shoto: heh.

Mina: nExT-

-next clip-

News reporter: here we are with the Todoroki's. How old are you now?

Shoto: 9.

Natsuo: 11.

Fuyumi: 14.

News reporter: So-

-news clip cuts off-

Shoto: I remember that- I wasn't in the rest of it- I had to leave.

Mina: probably why it cut off-

Tokoyami: heh. You should have been on the news a lot more between them-

Shoto: I was.

Momo: I was on the news with him once.

Mina: we have that clip-

Momo: I'm pretty sure we were tipsy-

Shoto: yeah-

-in the clip-

News reporter: so there are many rumours that you two are together?

Momo: no. Not us.

Shoto: nope.

News reporter: what is the relationship between you two then?

Momo: good friends.

Shoto: indeed.

Endeavor: *facepalming in the background*

-news clip cuts off-

Momo: I've just noticed Endeavor in the background-

Shoto: heh. That reminds me. I'm going on the news later.

Katsuki: you are?

Shoto: yes. With Hawks and Eri actually- I'm not sure if she will be on the camera or not-

Momo: cool.


Tokoyami: Aoyama move.

Aoyama: no.

Tokoyami: yes.

Aoyama: no.

Tokoyami: GeT tHe FuCk oFf My LaP!

Aoyama: nooooooo.

Tokoyami: *pushes him off* no.

Aoyama: mean!!!

Tokoyami: nahhhhh


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